Re: [OAUTH-WG] Can the repeated authorization of scopes be avoided ?

Justin Richer <> Mon, 18 January 2016 11:48 UTC

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Date: Mon, 18 Jan 2016 06:47:54 -0500
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To: Sergey Beryozkin <>,
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Yes, this is common practice. Give the user the option to remember the decision. This is known as "trust on first use", or tofu. Our server, MITREid Connect, implements this as do many others. 

-- Justin
/ Sent from my phone /

-------- Original message --------
From: Sergey Beryozkin <> 
Date: 1/18/2016  5:59 AM  (GMT-05:00) 
Subject: [OAUTH-WG] Can the repeated authorization of scopes be avoided ? 

Hi All

The question relates to the process of showing the authorization 
code/implicit flow consent screen to a user.

I'm discussing with my colleagues the possibility of avoiding asking the 
same user whose session has expired and who is re-authenticating with AS 
which scopes should be approved.

For example, suppose the OAuth2 client redirects a user with the 
requested scope 'a'. The user signs in to AS and is shown a consent 
screen asking to approve the 'a' scope. The user approves 'a' and the 
flow continues.

Some time later, when the user's session has expired, the user is 
redirected to AS with the same 'a' scope.

Would it be a good idea, at this point, not to show the user the consent 
screen asking to approve the 'a' scope again ? For example, AS can 
persist the fact that a given user has already approved 'a' for a given 
client earlier, so when the user re-authenticates, AS will use this info 
and will avoid showing the consent screen.

That seems to make sense, but I'm wondering, can there be some security 
implications associated with it, any recommendations/advices will be welcome


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