[110all] IETF 110 Online resources and testing for participants

Greg Wood <ghwood@ietf.org> Fri, 12 February 2021 17:38 UTC

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Meetecho will be used for IETF 110 Online meeting sessions. Even if you have used Meetecho previously, you are encouraged to test your set up ahead of the meeting as updates to Meetecho, browsers, and operating systems may have introduced changes since IETF 109. Testing opportunities and information resources will be available ahead of and during the meeting, including:

	• Testing sessions
	• Guide documents
	• How-to videos

Details and links will be available at:


Pre-IETF 110 Participant testing
Participant prep session 1
25 February, 1700 UTC
Coordinates TBC

Participant prep session 2
26 February 2020, 2000 UTC
Coordinates TBC

During IETF 110 week (8-12 March), participants will be able to join a Meetecho test session 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after the scheduled sessions each day. 

Additional details about tools and services such as Gather and groupchat services available for IETF 110 participation will be available at:


I look forward to seeing many of you during IETF 110! Please let me know if I can provide additional information.



Greg Wood