[6tisch] Call for adoption of ddraft-vucinic-6tisch-minimal-security as WG document

"Pascal Thubert (pthubert)" <pthubert@cisco.com> Wed, 23 November 2016 07:56 UTC

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From: "Pascal Thubert (pthubert)" <pthubert@cisco.com>
To: "6tisch@ietf.org" <6tisch@ietf.org>
Thread-Topic: Call for adoption of ddraft-vucinic-6tisch-minimal-security as WG document
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Subject: [6tisch] Call for adoption of ddraft-vucinic-6tisch-minimal-security as WG document
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Dear all :
The sense of the room at the WG meeting at IETF 97 in Seoul was that draft-richardson-6tisch-dtsecurity-secure-join and draft-vucinic-6tisch-minimal-security could be combined as a staged join process, the former being optional in the case of a PSK, and that the two documents could be adopted as WG docs.

We are now confirming this on the ML and calling for adoption of draft-vucinic-6tisch-minimal-security as WG document.

The call will be closing in on Friday, December 9th.

Please consider the draft carefully and reply to this mail expressing support or disagreement, and in either case, justification for the vote and suggestions are appreciated.
The chairs,