[92attendees] FW: A Eulogy For A Friend - Ping Pan

"George, Wes" <wesley.george@twcable.com> Thu, 26 March 2015 14:59 UTC

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From: "George, Wes" <wesley.george@twcable.com>
To: "92attendees@ietf.org" <92attendees@ietf.org>
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2015 10:57:45 -0400
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Since the overlap between attendees and IETF@IETF is not complete, thought
some folks on here might want to see this.

>On 3/25/15, 4:01 PM, "Thomas D. Nadeau" <tnadeau@lucidvision.com> wrote:
>It is a very sad day today in that we have to inform you all of the
>passing of Ping Pan on Tuesday evening. Ping is survived by his wife
>Jenny, and his young son and daughter. His family has asked for privacy
>during this time. No info at this time about any public services being
>planned. If we hear any updates, will post in on Facebook.
>Many of you knew Ping from his years of work at the IETF, his graduate
>work at Columbia before that, or in other professional circles. Ping was
>a brilliant engineer, but more so a great friend, husband and father.
>Ping will be remembered as some say, as a kind man who was a bit nutty
>but in a wonderful and inspring way. He was a person with what seemed
>like unlimited energy, ambition and optimism at all times. For Sam and me
>it was these qualities that really made it a pleasure being friends with
>him. Spending time with him made your day better. He will be missed.
>Please raise a glass to toast and celebrate the life of Ping with us.
>Tom and Sam

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