[98all] IETF98 Network Information (and an update on hotel wireless)
Jim Martin <jim@daedelus.com> Sat, 25 March 2017 19:18 UTC
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Gentlepeople, Welcome to IETF98 in Chicago! You will find the usual IETF Network information document at: https://tickets.meeting.ietf.org/wiki/IETF98network We’re having some extraordinary issues with the Guestroom and Public networks in the Swissôtel that are requiring some further work on the NOC team’s part. While we continue to work to have the usual IETF network in the public and guest room areas, the Swissôtel has kindly offered the use of the “swissotel” wireless network for everyone, using the code “SWISSOTEL0317”. Also, if you happen to be in the Fairmont Hotel, you’ll find the “ietf-fairmont” SSID to be active and available for all. We hope to have the IETF network available in the Swissôtel guest rooms and public space available soon, but there’s currently no estimate on exactly when. I’ll update both the network document linked above as well as send out an update when the issues are resolved. Have a good meeting! - Jim & the IETF NOC Team