Re: [Ace] WGLC on draft-ietf-ace-cwt-proof-of-possession-02
Jim Schaad <> Wed, 09 May 2018 04:51 UTC
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I'll pull out the list of comments that I wrote a month ago but didn't start that computer up recently. 1. Are all of the authors necessary? As a chair I need to justify a count of more than 5 to the IESG. 2. Is the last sentence in section 1 necessary? Are you actually defining any strings that could be case-sensitive? 3. Terminology: In the definition of Issuer please make 'its' clearer. It is not clear whose claims are being bound. 4. Terminology: I still think this is 'Presenter' is a very strange term to use for this definition. I would really like to see it be made something that makes sense and then say the term is the same as this in JWT. The term has a model of use with it that I do not believe can be sustained even for the ACE Oauth case but really not in other cases. 5. Terminology: Recipient matches presenter, and it matches the OAuth model and not a trust model world. Relying party or service provider make far more sense to me. 6. Under what circumstances would a 'sub' claim be present and it is not the presenter? I can see that a holder of the key may be implicitly (or anonymously) named, but putting something in the subject field which is not identifying the presenter is something that I would reject without a good presentation of why in the document. 7. I would disagree with the claim that if the 'sub' claim is missing then it would normally be the issuer. For the world of IoT, I would expect that the subject would not be present because there is no need to identify the subject to the recipient. I.e. it is an anonymous subject. 8. It is not clear to me that either of the sub and iss claims would normally be present. They might be present but neither is needed. The subject can be anonymous and the issuer is identified by the key used to validate the security on the CWT. 9. In section 3.1 the first two sentences appear to be contradictory. Members are used to identify the POP key. Other things than a POP key can be used than a POP key. If they are used to identify the POP key- why would they not deal with the POP key? I think that you should do a separation and define the 'cnf' file which can hold any number of confirmation methods and then have a section on defining some POP cnf method field holders. 10. In section 3.1 P1 - I am not sure why you have something here about confirming the authenticity of the token as oppose to confirming the identity of the presenter. Why would that type of information be placed here where it is not useful. 11. In section 3.1 P2 - We are back to the same argument that existed for a CWT in general. Not knowing that a CWT is for a specific application means that it can be used in a different application and checking that the first application would have done is ignored by the second one because it will ignore fields it does not understand. 12. I am unclear why there should be a restriction on the number of POP keys that can be in a 'cnf' object. If there are multiple keys, then any or all of them are of equal value in doing the confirmation. Just like there can be multiple confirmation methods and an application could choose to use any one of them. 13. Not sure which section this belongs in, but the use of an COSE_Encrypt0 would be one way to combat tracking of identities based on the key value being used. Different encrypted values could be sent to different servers and they would not necessarily know about use w/o internal collusion between them. Similar effect by using an encrypted CWT. Potentially requires use of TLS1.3 to protect the RPKs. YMMV 14. I have real problems w/ the use of a KID for POP identification. It may identify the wrong key or, if used for granting access, may have problems w/ identity collisions. These need to be spelt out someplace to help people tracking down questions of why can't I verify w/ this CWT, I know it's right. 15. The content of 'kid' is application specific. Where is an application going to define this such that it will work more generally. The application in the case of the ACE working group boils down to the world (minus a few things). 16. section 4 - Are audience restrictions not done in CWT? 17. section 4 - this implies that POP cannot be replayed via asymmetric keys. Why would this be the case? 18. section 4 - prior to an issuer being able to create a CWT for a client w/ an asymmetric key in it, the issuer MUST go through a POP protocol of some type to validate that the client has possession of the key. Issuers may want to repeat this validation at some interval for re-verification. They should also keep track of the keys and flag where the same public key appears more than one for review. 19. Update IANA considerations w/ input from IANA and the CWT document. 20. Are keys big enough that it should be considered to move kid to the 2 byte range of identifiers? 21. Section 6.2.2 - the value type is not an array for COSE_Encrypt or COSE_Encyrpt0, these are the values. As written I could put in an array which is not one of those two structures and be valid. Ditto for COSE_Key, although w/ slightly less justification. Jim
- [Ace] WGLC on draft-ietf-ace-cwt-proof-of-possess… Roman Danyliw
- Re: [Ace] WGLC on draft-ietf-ace-cwt-proof-of-pos… Jim Schaad
- Re: [Ace] WGLC on draft-ietf-ace-cwt-proof-of-pos… Mike Jones
- Re: [Ace] WGLC on draft-ietf-ace-cwt-proof-of-pos… Jim Schaad
- Re: [Ace] WGLC on draft-ietf-ace-cwt-proof-of-pos… Hannes Tschofenig
- Re: [Ace] WGLC on draft-ietf-ace-cwt-proof-of-pos… Jim Schaad