[alto] Meeting minutes for Nov 24, 2020
kaigao@scu.edu.cn Wed, 25 November 2020 04:42 UTC
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Dear all, Below is a summary of the meeting on Nov 24, 2020. Richard proposed some approaches to improve the productivity and to engage people outside the group. Gang and Luis also proposed some principles to be followed. Sabine gave a summary of the entity property map document and was asking the co-authors to review the document. Richard raised the problem of whether entity property map is sufficient to express CPU/storage. In a more general setting, information in the network which can be modeled as a graph can be associated with nodes (entities) but also with edges (relations). Is entity property map capable of expressing the properties of the edges? Kai mentioned that edges can also be treated as entities, as how graphs are being stored in relational databases. Richard argued that this approach was too hacky and proposed to use syntax to enforce semantics. In the discussion on distinguishing the recharter items related to cellular information, Kai proposed to divide the current first-hop recharter item into the northbound part (identifying and specifying cellular metrics) and the southbound part (information collection using 3GPP services, etc.) which can be put into the operation automation item. Richard suggested that defining the formats of metrics is too simple and we should tackle the difficult problem of identifying which metrics are useful and practical. Gang suggested that the metrics should be motivated by real use cases. As Gang, Chunshan and Sabine had proposed use cases in previous drafts, it is agreed that they would present these use cases and lead the discussion on the cellular information in the next meeting. Open issues: - Richard/Kai/Jensen will provide reviews to the unified property document - Gang/Chunshan/Sabine will present/lead the discussion on cellular information in the next meeting. One item is to present the information flow in the current 4G/5G networks. - Jensen will also present the ideas on operation automation Please let me know if anything is missing or misinterpreted. Best, Kai