[antitrust-policy] Fwd: [Gendispatch] Draft GENAREA minutes - please review
Jay Daley <exec-director@ietf.org> Mon, 27 November 2023 11:46 UTC
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Subject: [antitrust-policy] Fwd: [Gendispatch] Draft GENAREA minutes - please review
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Extracted minutes that are relevant to this list: > Begin forwarded message: > > From: Lars Eggert <lars@eggert.org> > Subject: [Gendispatch] Draft GENAREA minutes - please review > Date: 27 November 2023 at 11:37:53 GMT > To: gendispatch@ietf.org > > Hi, > > below are the minutes from the IETF 118 GENAREA session. Please review and send corrections where needed. > > THANK YOU Emily Heron for saving my bacon by proactively taking minutes! > > Lars > > -- > > # GENAREA @ IETF 118 (Nov 8, 2023) > > Note Taker: Emily Heron > ## Topic 2: draft-halpern-gendispatch-antitrust-06 > > Background: concerns raised by ISOC in 2020 about IETF legal exposure > to antitrust issues. > > Results of legal advice: > > - Current policy set provides strong mitigation of antitrust. > - No requirement for new policy. > - Helpful to have an info doc that summarizes our position and > provides guidance No IETF doc can provide legal advice to > participants. > > Current Status: > > - Current policy has rough consensus > - Small/format changes to be made > > Meta considerations: How these points might be weaponized by IETF participants > > ### Sticking points and proposed solutions > > Current: Using *detailed* market data to evaluate ...implementation > costs of *two technical alternatives* to decide ... > > Proposed: Using *unpublished* market data... implementation costs > of *alternative technical proposals* ... > > Martin Duke: If we consider market data as mailing list or minutes > doesn't that make it published? > > Ted Hardie: Believe market data remains undefined, could mean > anything. Would prefer if we are going to use market data we should > define it clearly. > > Jay Daley: Lawyers state that market data is the appropriate phrase to > use without citation.May be better to tackle this by being explicitly > clear that what you are talking about (internal processes) is not > market data. > > General Point: Understand weaponization threat: using alternative > English. > > Mark Nottingham: Engineers expect clear rules and guidelines, lawyers > see that this is complex and contextual. Best we can do is give > general guidelines. Mismatch may be leading to the discomfort here > > Jay Daley: If we were to give policy stuff, the lawyers would want > that to be at a level of clarity Mark: Please avoid making a decision > about competition law. > > Jay Daley: Yes, avoided. > > ### Sticking Points and Proposed Solutions (2) > > 4.2 Topics Requiring Caution > > Current: Entering into group negotiations of IPR terms > > Proposed: Entering into *private or potentially discriminatory*, group > negotiations of IPR terms. > > Stephan Wenger: Main issue is that the IETF should not be in the > business if advising of things that happen outside of official IETF > meetings. > > Jay Daley: Difficult in terms of differing views. Anti-trust law in > corridors. Understand point of view, will discuss with authors. > > Lars Eggert (Chair): Is this a sticking point or can we carry forward > with the rest of the doc? > > Stephan: I don't like to be in the rough but this is a sticking point. > Issue I have with this point is weaponization - it is very easy to > weaponize discussion. Organization that makes money out of patent > licensing considers discriminatory is different from what another org > may consider discriminatory. > > Jay Daley: "Discriminatory" was meant to state who can be involved in > the conversation. > > Cullen Jennings: Agree with Stephan - things that happen outside of of > IETF. That is not what private means here. There are many things that > happen in IETF that are not public. This refers to private IETF > meetings. The private here refers to meeting for discussions that are > within the IETF process but are not public. > > Jay Daley: Something like a design team? > > Cullen Jennings: Design team is a good example of this. > > Stephan Wenger: OK with a definition like this. > > Jay Daley: Like this and will go back and discuss with co-authors > > Phillip Hallam-Baker: Raised specific IPR antitrust issues - two > separate issues. One is protecting IETF, 2nd is protecting the > process. "If you provide that service to other parties, we will > destroy you." Had to talk to management of company making threat. > Need to have statement somewhere that says threats like this cannot > be made in the first place against IETF. > > Jay Daley: Already covered in existing set. > > Ted Hardie: Agree with Stephan and Cullen: Doc should state that this > behavior must be avoided to avoid antitrust issues. What is not > clear - when IETF provides a facility that is then used for something > that does not follow these rules. Side meeting rooms. What is the > risk to us? Remind people that the use of IETF facilities does not > mean that IETF endorses activities. > > Jay Daley: All side meetings and rooms made available must be public. > Risk to us as facilitator is sufficiently close to zero that we do > not need to worry. > > Simon Hicks: No IPR discussions connected with meetings in his work. > This limits litigation potential. Should consider stating that no IPR > discussions should take place at IETF. > > Jay Daley: These discussions are a necessary part of IETF. Lawyers > looked at these specific cases, not a concern. Cannot go back to undo > IPR rules. > > Mark Nottingham: Should start thinking about our role in non IPR abuse > of dominance. > > Jay Daley: Cannot do that through this process. That would have to > relate to current safeguards in place to prevent capture. > > Stephan Wenger: Recent decision on European committee not to pursue > particular cases does not mean they will not in the future... We > should address this point here first before we go into something > broader ad more difficult. > > Mark: Misunderstood what I said, not important. > > Lars Eggert (Chair): We are close but we will get a revision based on > discussion - will take discussion to antitrust policy list at > antitrust-policy@ietf.org. Get agreement on where we should take to > next call. -- Jay Daley IETF Executive Director exec-director@ietf.org