[apps-discuss] draft agenda for IETF 80
Peter Saint-Andre <stpeter@stpeter.im> Tue, 08 March 2011 23:18 UTC
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Here is a draft agenda for the Apps Area open meeting (with APPSAWG session) at IETF 80. Bashing is welcome and changes are possible. ### AppsArea Open Meeting and APPSAWG Meeting IETF 80, Prague, Czech Republic Monday, March 28, 2011, 09:00-11:30 Chatroom: xmpp:appsarea@jabber.ietf.org?join Mailing list: apps-discuss@ietf.org ADs: Alexey Melnikov <alexey.melnikov@isode.com> (outgoing) Peter Saint-Andre <stpeter@stpeter.im> (continuing) Pete Resnick <presnick@qualcomm.com> (incoming) 1. [ 5 mins] Area Directors Administrivia 2. [55 mins] Barry Leiba and Jiankang Yao APPSAWG session 2a. [15 mins] Paul Hoffman Specifying that a Server Supports TLS draft-hoffman-server-has-tls 2b. [ 5 mins] Paul Hoffman / Patrik Fältström Unicode and IDNA draft-faltstrom-5892bis 2c. [10 mins] Mark Nottingham The Network Authentication Required HTTP Status Code draft-nottingham-http-portal 2d. [15 mins] Murray Kucherawy Best Current Practices for Handling Malformed Messages draft-kucherawy-mta-malformed & The Multipart/Report Media Type for the Reporting of Mail System Administrative Messages draft-kucherawy-rfc3462bis 2e. [10 mins] APPSAWG open mic 3. [10 mins] Eliot Lear IANA Procedures for Maintaining the Timezone Database draft-lear-iana-timezone-database-02 4. [10 mins] Eric Rescorla and Joe Hildebrand Web Object Encryption and Signing (WOES) draft-rescorla-jsms-00 5. [10 mins] Bernie Hoeneisen IANA Registration of Enumservices for Internet Calendaring draft-hoeneisen-rfc5333bis-00 6. [15 mins] Alexey Melnikov SMTP Extensions for Message Priorities and Alternate Recipient Delivery Option draft-melnikov-smtp-priority-00 draft-melnikov-smtp-altrecip-on-error-00 7. [20 mins] Larry Masinter / Alexey Melnikov MIME and the Web draft-masinter-mime-web-info-02 8. [10 mins] Florian Echtler GISpL: Gestural Interface Specification Language draft-echtler-gispl-specification-00 9. [15 mins] Applications Area open mic END ###
- [apps-discuss] draft agenda for IETF 80 Peter Saint-Andre