[aqm] codel and fq_codel drafts
Dave Taht <dave@taht.net> Thu, 06 July 2017 15:49 UTC
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From: Dave Taht <dave@taht.net>
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Date: Thu, 06 Jul 2017 08:49:35 -0700
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Subject: [aqm] codel and fq_codel drafts
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It appears that the codel draft is still not done? I am not attending this ietf, but if there is any way to to incent the authors to finish this up - feeding 'em beer and cookies, or strapping 'em to a chair with bungie cords in front of a laptop - or all three! I'd be *very* supportive.
- [aqm] codel and fq_codel drafts Dave Taht
- Re: [aqm] codel and fq_codel drafts Wesley Eddy
- Re: [aqm] codel and fq_codel drafts Jana Iyengar