RE: [Asrg] Spam as a symptom of sender/recipient imbalance.
"Peter Kay" <> Wed, 04 June 2003 21:09 UTC
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Subject: RE: [Asrg] Spam as a symptom of sender/recipient imbalance.
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Date: Wed, 04 Jun 2003 11:04:28 -1000
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I think you're right on. I believe that sooner or later, some type of C/R will be the way email gets passed around. One may argue (and have a good case) to say that today's C/R are clunky and don't work well, but ultimately they empower the recipient in a way that addresses the imbalance. > -----Original Message----- > From: Rob Cameron [] > Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2003 9:27 AM > To: > Subject: [Asrg] Spam as a symptom of sender/recipient imbalance. > > > In tackling the definition of spam, perhaps it would be > useful to have a somewhat different view in which spam is considered > a symptom of a deeper problem. > > Here is a statement I have been using to motivate e-mail > research work here at SFU. > > "Current e-mail standards create an imbalance between senders > and recipients, providing senders with the power to capture the > attention of any recipient they so desire, while giving > recipients little control over what appears in their inbox. > The imbalance becomes > most severe when the sender is a computer program sending out > bulk unsolicited e-mail (spam)." > > The notion of sender/recipient imbalance then becomes a > theory that at once helps explain spam and also predicts that > the problem of spam may be mitigated by addressing the > imbalance. The two general ways of doing this are: (a) > reducing the power of > senders and (b) increasing the power of recipients. Most > anti-spam proposals can be characterized as addressing one > or both of these objectives, typically at the MTA or network > infrastructure level for approach (a) or at the MUA level for > approach (b). > > Focussing on the sender/recipient imbalance may help avoid > value judgments/arguments as to whether a particular instance > of annoying e-mail is or is not spam. As many have pointed > out, there is a large grey area. Care must be taken to avoid > moving into this grey area in deploying MTA or network-level > approaches that either classify messages as spam or senders > as spammers. But if these classification approaches are > augmented by other means that address the sender/recipient > imbalance, then there may be no need to move into the grey > area at the infrastructure levels. > > Personally, I am interested in approach (b): empowering recipients > through increased automation at the MUA. I see challenge-response > systems as a first step in this automation, but consider that > there may > be other benefits to MUA-level automation that ought also to > be explored. For example, one scenario in our work is that > C/R systems can be leveraged to perform other useful > functions such as automated change-of-address negotiation > (whitelist/address book updating). > > Nevertheless, it is very important that MTA and network-based > approaches also be developed. In the short term, MUA-based > approaches will not help with network traffic reduction. > > Over the long term, we will continue to need asynchronous > text-based messaging. But we will need to ensure that the > great power of automation that senders may employ in > generating messages is matched by a corresponding power of > recipients to automate responses when and as appropriate. > > > _______________________________________________ > Asrg mailing list > > > > > _______________________________________________ Asrg mailing list