[bess] Some questions on E-Tree (RFC8317) services with VXLAN Encapsulation: is it feasible? is it necessary? is it under definition already?

<wang.yubao2@zte.com.cn> Wed, 07 February 2018 07:22 UTC

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Subject: [bess] Some questions on E-Tree (RFC8317) services with VXLAN Encapsulation: is it feasible? is it necessary? is it under definition already?
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Hi folks,

I have some questions on E-Tree services with VXLAN Encapsulation,

1) It seems that RFC8317 only defines E-Tree service in MPLS (or PBB over MPLS EVPN) encapsulation.

  but there are other EVPN encapsulations, VXLAN and SRv6,

  and the SRv6 EVPN solution also defined the E-Tree procedures framework with Arg.FE2 included in DT2M SIDs

  so, is the E-Tree service with VXLAN Encapsulation feasible? is it necessary? is it under definition already?

2) i think the primary design with E-tree over MPLS EVPN is ESI/Leaf Label,

  but in VXLAN encapsulation, there is no ESI Label or Leaf Label,

  so, although it can do ESI filtering procedures with "Local Bias" procedure and without ESI Label information,

  the VXLAN Encapsulation can't do E-tree filtering procedures without Leaf Label?

  is it right or i have missed something?

Best Regards,

Wang Yubao