[bess] New bess Co-Chair
Alvaro Retana <aretana.ietf@gmail.com> Fri, 01 December 2017 16:16 UTC
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From: Alvaro Retana <aretana.ietf@gmail.com>
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Date: Fri, 01 Dec 2017 11:16:46 -0500
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Subject: [bess] New bess Co-Chair
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Dear bess WG: I am sad to report that Thomas Morin has decided not to continue as bess Co-Chair due to the demands of his job. Thomas: thank you for all the effort you have put into the WG, we all look forward to your continued contributions to the IETF! In consultation with Martin and the other ADs, we have asked Stephane Litkowski to take on the role of bess Co-Chair. As most of you know, Stephane works at Orange Business Services, has been involved in the IETF for several years and had made significant contributions in a number of WGs in and out of the Routing Area. Welcome Stephane! Stephane can be reached at stephane.litkowski@orange.com. This change is effective immediately. Thanks! Alvaro.
- [bess] New bess Co-Chair Alvaro Retana
- Re: [bess] New bess Co-Chair Tony Przygienda
- Re: [bess] New bess Co-Chair thomas.morin
- Re: [bess] New bess Co-Chair Rabadan, Jorge (Nokia - US/Mountain View)
- Re: [bess] New bess Co-Chair Dolganow, Andrew (Nokia - SG/Singapore)
- Re: [bess] New bess Co-Chair Jeff Tantsura
- Re: [bess] New bess Co-Chair Henderickx, Wim (Nokia - BE/Antwerp)
- Re: [bess] New bess Co-Chair Alexander Vainshtein
- Re: [bess] New bess Co-Chair Patrice Brissette (pbrisset)
- Re: [bess] New bess Co-Chair Susan Hares
- Re: [bess] New bess Co-Chair Dongjie (Jimmy)
- Re: [bess] New bess Co-Chair Mach Chen
- Re: [bess] New bess Co-Chair Gaurav Dawra (gdawra)
- Re: [bess] New bess Co-Chair Martin Vigoureux
- Re: [bess] New bess Co-Chair Ali Sajassi (sajassi)
- Re: [bess] New bess Co-Chair Adrian Farrel
- Re: [bess] New bess Co-Chair Susan Hares