Re: [bess] [mpls] New Liaison Statement, "Review and Comment on TR-350 Issue 2 - Ethernet Services using BGP MPLS Based Ethernet VPNs (EVPN) – ELINE and ETREE"
"Fargano, Michael" <> Fri, 23 March 2018 19:38 UTC
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From: "Fargano, Michael" <>
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CC: Multiprotocol Label Switching Discussion List <>, The IETF Chair <>, "" <>, BGP Enabled ServiceS Discussion List <>, Liaison Statement Management Tool <>, Alvaro Retana <>, Deborah Brungard <>, George Swallow <>, Martin Vigoureux <>, Loa Andersson <>, Nicolai Leymann <>, "David Sinicrope (" <>, "Fargano, Michael" <>
Thread-Topic: [mpls] New Liaison Statement, "Review and Comment on TR-350 Issue 2 - Ethernet Services using BGP MPLS Based Ethernet VPNs (EVPN) – ELINE and ETREE"
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Subject: Re: [bess] [mpls] New Liaison Statement, "Review and Comment on TR-350 Issue 2 - Ethernet Services using BGP MPLS Based Ethernet VPNs (EVPN) – ELINE and ETREE"
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Thanks Stephane. Uploaded as LIASIE-147. -----Original Message----- From: [] Sent: Friday, March 23, 2018 6:24 AM To:; Fargano, Michael <> Cc: Multiprotocol Label Switching Discussion List <>; The IETF Chair <>;; BGP Enabled ServiceS Discussion List <>; Liaison Statement Management Tool <>; Alvaro Retana <>; Deborah Brungard <>; George Swallow <>; Martin Vigoureux <>; Loa Andersson <>; Nicolai Leymann <>; David Sinicrope ( <> Subject: [LIAISONS] RE: [mpls] New Liaison Statement, "Review and Comment on TR-350 Issue 2 - Ethernet Services using BGP MPLS Based Ethernet VPNs (EVPN) – ELINE and ETREE" Dear Colleagues, Thanks for considerations to review your document. Your document had been circulating in our Working Groups. The conclusion is that the BESS and MPLS Working Groups have no objections to your document. Please note there has been changes in working group chairs for the BESS and MPLS working groups. Stephane Litkowski and Matthew Bocci are now working group chairs for the BESS working group. Loa Andersson and Nic Leymann are now working group chairs for the MPLS working group. Thanks again, and do not hesitate do reach us for further collaboration. Best Regards, Stephane Litkowski Co-chair of BESS WG. Loa Andersson Co-chair of the MPLS working group -----Original Message----- From: mpls [] On Behalf Of Liaison Statement Management Tool Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2017 18:32 To: Alvaro Retana; Deborah Brungard; George Swallow; Alia Atlas; Martin Vigoureux; Loa Andersson; MORIN Thomas IMT/OLN; Nicolai Leymann Cc: Multiprotocol Label Switching Discussion List; The IETF Chair;; MORIN Thomas IMT/OLN; BGP Enabled ServiceS Discussion List Subject: [mpls] New Liaison Statement, "Review and Comment on TR-350 Issue 2 - Ethernet Services using BGP MPLS Based Ethernet VPNs (EVPN) – ELINE and ETREE" Title: Review and Comment on TR-350 Issue 2 - Ethernet Services using BGP MPLS Based Ethernet VPNs (EVPN) – ELINE and ETREE Submission Date: 2017-08-08 URL of the IETF Web page: Please reply by 2017-09-06 From: Michael Fargano <> To: Martin Vigoureux <>, Thomas Morin <>,Nicolai Leymann <>,Loa Andersson <>,George Swallow <>,Alia Atlas <>,Alvaro Retana <>,Deborah Brungard <> Cc: Alvaro Retana <>,Deborah Brungard <>,Multiprotocol Label Switching Discussion List <>,David Sinicrope <>,Alia Atlas <>,BGP Enabled ServiceS Discussion List <>,Martin Vigoureux <>,The IETF Chair <>,George Swallow <>,Loa Andersson <>,Thomas Morin <>,Nicolai Leymann <>, Response Contacts: Technical Contacts: Purpose: For comment Body: Dear Colleagues, In November 2015, the BBF published TR-350 - Ethernet Services using BGP MPLS Based Ethernet VPNs (EVPN) which covered architecture and equipment requirements for implementation of ELAN service types using the EVPN technology. Also in November 2015, the BBF started working the second phase of the TR-350 work adding ELINE and ETREE service types to this important specification. The work has progress through 2016 and early 2017 and has entered the beginning of the Broadband Forum approval process. During this phase we would greatly appreciate your review and comments. To consider your comments during our 3Q2017 meeting we would need to receive them by 6 September 2017. Comments received after 6 September will be considered during our 4Q2017 meeting in December 2017. We look forward to working with you and we would like to thank you for your timely consideration and response. Sincerely, Michael Fargano, Broadband Forum Technical Committee Chair CC: Robin Mersh, Broadband Forum CEO <> Attachments: WT-350i2SBLiaison.approved WT-350i2ELineETree.SBText-Sinicrope-RnTAD _______________________________________________ mpls mailing list _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ce message et ses pieces jointes peuvent contenir des informations confidentielles ou privilegiees et ne doivent donc pas etre diffuses, exploites ou copies sans autorisation. Si vous avez recu ce message par erreur, veuillez le signaler a l'expediteur et le detruire ainsi que les pieces jointes. Les messages electroniques etant susceptibles d'alteration, Orange decline toute responsabilite si ce message a ete altere, deforme ou falsifie. Merci. 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- [bess] New Liaison Statement, "Review and Comment… Liaison Statement Management Tool
- [bess] Fwd: New Liaison Statement, "Review and Co… Martin Vigoureux
- Re: [bess] [mpls] New Liaison Statement, "Review … Fargano, Michael