[Bier] Update on the status of several WG drafts

gregory.mirsky@ztetx.com Tue, 29 June 2021 19:27 UTC

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Dear Greg, Tony, et al.,

ahead of the WG meeting at IETF-111, I would like to update you on the state of several WG drafts:

draft-ietf-bier-path-mtu-discovery - the authors have asked the WG for a volunteer to shepherd the document. According to the video recording, Hooman Bidgoli kindly agreed to take on this work. The authors greatly appreciate Hooman's help and are ready to address the comments of the Shepherd review;

draft-ietf-bier-pmmm-oam - the authors had worked on addressing our AD's comments (thank you, Alvaro!). With the WG group reaching the decision not to publish draft-ietf-bier-oam-requirements, we believe that the draft-ietf-bier-pmmm-oam is ready to be progressed. What should be the next step? Greatly appreciate your comments and suggestions.


Greg Mirsky

Sr. Standardization Expert
预研标准部/有线研究院/有线产品经营部 Standard Preresearch Dept./Wireline Product R&D Institute/Wireline Product Operation Division

E: gregory.mirsky@ztetx.com 