[Cbor] Review of draft-bormann-cbor-cddl-control-01
Jim Schaad <ietf@augustcellars.com> Sun, 30 August 2020 02:58 UTC
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From: Jim Schaad <ietf@augustcellars.com>
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A couple of comments on this document. It is very possible that I have already made this comments and they are on your to do list. 1. Abstract needs to be expanded to identify what operators are in this document. 2. Bikeshed topic - I don't really like the name of the .feature control. The problem is that the definition of a feature is not at all clear from the name of the control. Among other things it does not say which extension points are targeted. I don't know that I have a good suggestion at this point but something long the lines of .map-extensions is a much tighter description of what is here. 3. Section 2.1 - I just ran into a potential issue with RFC 8610 that is highlighted here. On my system I would expect the result to be b = "foo\r\n bar\r\n baz\r\n". Both "\n" and "\r\n" are considered as legal inside of a byte string value and I did not find text to resolve it for the non-hex/base64 case (where it is not relevant). 4. Section 4 - Define behavior .feature is referenced outside of a map key. Or are there other places where it can be used and thus these need to be enumerated. 5. Acknowledgements - I think this does not read correctly as it says that I suggested improvements on .feature rather than the document as a whole which is what I think you meant to say. 6. Section 3 - The description says that following is legal, but does not give a clue on what the correct behavior would be: Value = text . abnf "full-date\n" The text says that it is followed by zero or more rules, I would assume that at least one rule would be required and the given target name must exist as a rulename for a rule. I think you might want to switch from element to rulename in this text as well. Element would allow for Value = text .abnf "(WSP / CRLF WSP") Jim
- [Cbor] Review of draft-bormann-cbor-cddl-control-… Jim Schaad
- Re: [Cbor] Review of draft-bormann-cbor-cddl-cont… Carsten Bormann