I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-ccamp-gmpls-vcat-lcas-06.txt

Internet-Drafts@ietf.org Tue, 18 November 2008 17:20 UTC

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A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts 
This draft is a work item of the Common Control and Measurement Plane Working Group of the IETF.

	Title		: Operating Virtual Concatenation (VCAT) and the Link Capacity Adjustment Scheme (LCAS) with Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching (GMPLS)
	Author(s)	: G. Bernstein
	Filename	: draft-ietf-ccamp-gmpls-vcat-lcas-06.txt
	Pages		: 22
	Date		: 2008-11-18
This document describes requirements for, and use of, the Generalized 
   Multi-Protocol Label Switching (GMPLS) control plane in conjunction 
   with the Virtual Concatenation (VCAT) layer 1 inverse multiplexing 
   mechanism and its companion Link Capacity Adjustment Scheme (LCAS) 
   which can be used for hitless dynamic resizing of the inverse 
   multiplex group.  These techniques apply to Optical Transport Network 
   (OTN), Synchronous Optical Network (SONET), Synchronous Digital 
   Hierarchy (SDH), and Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy (PDH) signals.

A URL for this Internet-Draft is:

Internet-Drafts are also available by anonymous FTP at:

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