[Cfrg] [CfP] ICCST-2017: 51st IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technologies

riccardo.lazzeretti@math.unipd.it Sat, 04 March 2017 17:04 UTC

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Madrid, Spain, October 23 - 26, 2017    http://atvs.ii.uam.es/iccst2017/

The IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technologies is  
one of the longest-running international technical symposia. This  
conference has a broad scope and invites papers that advance security  
technologies including physical, cyber and electronic security  
research, development, systems engineering, testing, evaluation, case  
studies and new research lines to face current and future challenges.  
All papers will be carefully subjected to a blind review  
process.Conference proceedings will be submitted for posting to IEEE  

As well as this top ranking technical event, Madrid also offers you  
the amazing features of a major, modern and historical European city,  
its legendary social activity, and the appeal of its Mediterranean  
gastronomy and lifestyle. The main social event at ICCST-2017 will  
include a display of flamenco dancing.

Important Dates:

Abstract Submission Date:	April 28, 2017
Decision to Authors:		May 26, 2017
Final Manuscript Due:		July 20, 2017
Early Registration:		August 15, 2017

Best Regards,
ICCST-2017 Organizing Committee
ICCST-2017 Executive Committee