[Cfrg] PAKE
"Igoe, Kevin M." <kmigoe@nsa.gov> Wed, 02 May 2012 20:07 UTC
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From: "Igoe, Kevin M." <kmigoe@nsa.gov>
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One quick piece of feedback. In the EC case, the construction of the PassWrod Element (PWE) on the curve involves trying to take the square root of f = x^3 + ax + b. This is MUCH easier to do in p = 3 mod 4 (in this case compute y = f^( (p+1)/4). If y^2 = f, your done, otherwise y^2 = -f and f doesn't have a square root mod p. The p = 1 mod 4 case gets ugly, especially if p-1 is divisible by a high power of 2. Luckily most EC groups use p=3 mod 4. I'd advise adding the constraint that for eliiptic cureves pmust be 3 mod 4. P.S. The fact that f has a preferred square root mod p might eliminate the code that decides whether to use (x,y) or (x,-y) as the PWE. Kevin M. Igoe | "Everyone is entitled to their own kmigoe@nsa.gov <mailto:kmigoe@nsa.gov> | opinions, but not to their own facts." | - Daniel Patrick Moynihan -
- [Cfrg] PAKE Igoe, Kevin M.