Re: [Cfrg] Status of DragonFly
"Dan Harkins" <> Mon, 17 December 2012 22:54 UTC
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Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2012 14:54:00 -0800
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Subject: Re: [Cfrg] Status of DragonFly
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Hi Kevin, On Mon, December 17, 2012 1:10 pm, Igoe, Kevin M. wrote: > OK folks, we are still on the hook to provide the TLS WG with our analysis > of DragonFly as it currently exists. Here's what I see: > > 1) The confidentiality provided by DragonFly is at least as good as > Diffie-Hallmann. > > 2) Impersonation is a different matter. The nefarious Eve can run > through a list > of likely passwords, attempting to run the DragonFly protocol once for > each > guess until she hits one where the DragonFly protocol runs to completion, > meaning Eve has almost certainly found the correct password. Proper > monitoring of the error logs should detect such an attack. > > In the EC case, the situation is a bit muddier. The use of the nonces in > the > generation of PE leads to a timing attack. Assuming the observer can > determine > precisely how many passes have been made through the while-loop, each > observed > instance of the DragonFly protocol between Alice and Bob provides 2 bits > of information > about their common password. If the adversary has a list of 2^M passwords > which is > likely to contain the password in use, passively observing about M+8 or so > DragonFly > exchanges betwixt Alice and Bob provides enough information to uniquely > identify the > password (if it is on the list) with high probability. This is not > without cost to the > attacker, they need to test the putative passwords one at a time until > they find one > that generates the observed pattern of number of passes through the while > loop. It > all comes down to how well the passwords are chosen, and we all know how > good users are at picking passwords. > > Scott Fluhrer proposed an elegant change to DragonFly that fixes this. In > the EC case, replace > the while-loop with a for-loop, say "for t = 1,,,,40". On each pass > through this for-loop generate > a possible x- coorodinate as in DragonFly, saving off the first x value > which corresponds to a > point on the curve. The only thing that can go wrong here is doing all > 40-iterations without > finding a good x-coordinate. This is quite unlikely to occur (~ 10^-12), > but when it does occur > it gives 40 bits of information about the password. In some VERY high > volume applications it > might be prudent to choose a value larger than 40. This technique is already used in draft-harkins-tls-pwd-03. There is an additional security parameter, k, that is used to ensure that k iterations of the loop are performed. There are no interoperability issues with any particular value of k and I do not recommend a value. But I do make this statement in the Security Considerations: "The probability that a password will require more than k iterations is roughly (q/2p)^k so it is possible to mitigate a side channel attack at the expense of a constant cost per connection attempt." where q is the order of the group formed by the generator and p is the prime. Is that statement correct and is it adequate? regards, Dan.
- [Cfrg] Status of DragonFly Igoe, Kevin M.
- Re: [Cfrg] Status of DragonFly Rene Struik
- Re: [Cfrg] Status of DragonFly Scott Fluhrer (sfluhrer)
- Re: [Cfrg] Status of DragonFly Igoe, Kevin M.
- Re: [Cfrg] Status of DragonFly Igoe, Kevin M.
- Re: [Cfrg] Status of DragonFly Dan Harkins
- Re: [Cfrg] Status of DragonFly Igoe, Kevin M.
- Re: [Cfrg] Status of DragonFly Scott Fluhrer (sfluhrer)