[Cfrg] comments requested on proposed hash-to-field changes in hash-to-curve draft
"Riad S. Wahby" <rsw@jfet.org> Sat, 15 February 2020 10:52 UTC
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Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2020 02:52:04 -0800
From: "Riad S. Wahby" <rsw@jfet.org>
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Subject: [Cfrg] comments requested on proposed hash-to-field changes in hash-to-curve draft
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Hello CFRG, I'm writing to request feedback on some proposed changes to the hash-to-curve draft that the hash-to-curve authors and others are currently discussing. These changes regard the way that the input octet-string is hashed into an element of the base field, which is the first step in hashing to an elliptic curve. We're discussing this issue and proposed changes on GitHub https://github.com/cfrg/draft-irtf-cfrg-hash-to-curve/issues/202 (but of course I'd be grateful for feedback via email, too). As a brief overview of the issues we're trying to address: The current function (called hash-to-base in draft-05) uses HKDF to produce a pseudorandom byte string. This choice was motivated, among other reasons, by our desire to have an indifferentiability proof for Merkle-Damgaard hash functions and to allow for easy domain separation. Unfortunately, the current design suffers from three issues: - Björn Haase points out that hashing is often expensive for smart cards and embedded systems, which means that there's a strong motivation to avoid HKDF and other HMAC-based constructions. - Relatedly, several people have asked us to specify a way of using functions from the SHA-3 family. There are no security issues with using SHA-3 underneath HKDF/HMAC, but it's not necessary to do so. - Leo Reyzin points out that, because of the way we use HKDF, we only get domain separation from other uses of HKDF---*not* from other uses of the hash function underlying HKDF. The result is that domain separation "escapes" hash-to-curve in a rather unpleasant way. The GitHub issue I referenced above proposes a simpler design that attempts to address these issues. We would appreciate your feedback! Regards, -=rsw
- [Cfrg] comments requested on proposed hash-to-fie… Riad S. Wahby