[core] Links-json: proposal for revision addressing IETF last-call comments
Carsten Bormann <cabo@tzi.org> Sun, 25 February 2018 21:29 UTC
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From: Carsten Bormann <cabo@tzi.org>
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Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2018 22:29:40 +0100
Cc: draft-ietf-core-links-json@ietf.org, core@ietf.org
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Subject: [core] Links-json: proposal for revision addressing IETF last-call comments
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On Dec 14, 2017, at 16:31, Carsten Bormann <cabo@tzi.org> wrote: > > Hi Christian, > > (Speaking as a core-links-json co-author:) > > We indeed have experienced a shift of focus here. > > When the work on links-json started, seamless roundtripping with RFC 6690 link-format was the foremost objective. > > But, in the meantime, seamless integration into the larger Web world (both Big Web and Thing Web) was become of foremost importance. > > Three aspects of RFC 6690 are in the way here: > — it is based on RFC 5988, which has been superseded by RFC 8288, with many problems solved — in particular the handling of starred attributes (such as title*) can be much simplified now. > — it uses a rather simplified form of resolving percent encoding, which works great for limited use cases, but prevents its seamless use with Web applications that may employ more complex percent encoding. > — it has unusual rules for resolving relative links, which is the point that you are referring to. > > We can work around the third problem by only using absolute links, which will be the fix for RD for now. > > The deviation of RFC 6690 from the relative link handling that would be usual for RFC 8288 (and, actually, also for RFC 5988 already) was a feeble attempt to get some URI compression into the format (relative URIs can be shorter than absolute ones). This kind of works, for certain use cases, but is brittle. A better way is to go back to absolute links and address the URI compression objective separately, maybe even in a different RFC. This does need some thinking. (I may be worth to remember that RDF has been using a form URI compression from the outset, and we may want to learn from there — see also link-employing formats such as CORAL!) > > So the next step is to integrate these learnings into links-json and come up with a new version. > This will obviously need another WGLC before we hand it back to the IESG. > By addressing this heads-on, the process should also fix the blocking issues that got it stuck in the IESG, so we should be able to finish this soon. Based on these considerations, I have generated a draft draft-ietf-core-link-json-10 that I plan to submit tomorrow for wider review. This is rebased on RFC 8288 (which supersedes RFC 5988), uses IRIs to navigate around at least some of the percent-encoding issues we identified, and adds language-tagged values. Comments are welcome! The draft draft is still in the WG SVN (yes, it is *that* old): https://svn.tools.ietf.org/svn/wg/core/draft-ietf-core-links-json-xx.txt Diff from previously submitted I-D: https://tools.ietf.org/rfcdiff?url1=draft-ietf-core-links-json-09.txt&url2=https://svn.tools.ietf.org/svn/wg/core/draft-ietf-core-links-json-xx.txt or https://goo.gl/VPfUDX for short. Grüße, Carsten
- [core] links-json: target resolution in presence … Christian Amsüss
- Re: [core] links-json: target resolution in prese… Carsten Bormann
- [core] Links-json: proposal for revision addressi… Carsten Bormann