Re: [core] #389 (coap-tcp-tls): Version negotiation
Bill Silverajan <> Tue, 15 December 2015 15:52 UTC
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Subject: Re: [core] #389 (coap-tcp-tls): Version negotiation
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Hi, My reply is inline: core issue tracker wrote: > #389: Version negotiation > > How does a client figure out which CoAP versions a server speaks? For > example, what should happen when a client sends a message in a version > that the server does not implement? Should the server just close the > connection? > It seems useful to look at section 6 of RFC 7231 ( : "The 505 (HTTP Version Not Supported) status code indicates that the server does not support, or refuses to support, the major version of HTTP that was used in the request message .... The server SHOULD generate a representation for the 505 response that describes why that version is not supported and what other protocols are supported by that server." - Mostly because RFC7252 attempts to relate CoAP Response Codes to HTTP where possible. However, since 5.05 is already used to indicate "Proxying Not Supported", existing options are 5.01 Not Implemented, or extending CoAP with a new 5.06 Version Not Supported, with perhaps the response payload providing the server supported version(s). On a related note, section 5.9 of RFC 7252 refers to a part of RFC 2616 that has now been updated by RFC 7231. Please see Regards, Bill
- [core] #389 (coap-tcp-tls): Version negotiation core issue tracker
- Re: [core] #389 (coap-tcp-tls): Version negotiati… Bill Silverajan
- Re: [core] #389 (coap-tcp-tls): Version negotiati… core issue tracker
- Re: [core] #389 (coap-tcp-tls): Version negotiati… core issue tracker