[core] Late review of draft-ietf-core-target-attr-02
Christian Amsüss <christian@amsuess.com> Wed, 01 March 2023 14:07 UTC
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Subject: [core] Late review of draft-ietf-core-target-attr-02
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Hi all, sorry for being late to the party, here's a few notes: * Should this contain all attributes used in published RFCs with 6690? If so, there's some in RFC9176 Resouce Directory, and the RD Parameters Registry should be updated with a note that all "A"-used entries should also get registered over here. * Some documents introduce target attributes for specific resource types or rels; example [1]. Should we account for that? If so, the `base`, `et` `d` and `ep` of RFC9176 Resource Directory would be limited to rt=core.rd-ep. * Why is href reserved? Is there anyone else apart from the abandoned links-json who uses it that way? (To be clear: I'm in favor of having it there, if only b/c an internal representation of a link can then use it there, but it might warrant a footnote). Other than that: Thanks, good document, let's go. (And I may want to hook into the registry with CoRAL). BR c [1]: https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-ietf-core-oscore-edhoc-02.html#name-web-linking -- To use raw power is to make yourself infinitely vulnerable to greater powers. -- Bene Gesserit axiom
- [core] I-D Action: draft-ietf-core-target-attr-02… internet-drafts
- [core] Late review of draft-ietf-core-target-attr… Christian Amsüss
- Re: [core] Late review of draft-ietf-core-target-… Carsten Bormann
- Re: [core] Late review of draft-ietf-core-target-… Carsten Bormann