[core] CoAPthon: Python CoAP library
Giacomo Tanganelli <giacomo.tanganelli@iet.unipi.it> Fri, 11 December 2015 09:25 UTC
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Dear CoRE-mail-list subscribers, I would like to inform you that I have developed *CoAPthon*: a CoAP library in Python 2.7. It is aligned with the RFC, and it also implements the Observing and Blockwise features. It can be used to run: CoAP Server, CoAP Client, CoAP2CoAP Forward and Reverse Proxy. *CoAPthon *has been accepted as a contribution to the upcoming IEEE Word Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT) which will take place in Milan next week. The source code is freely available on github: https://github.com/Tanganelli/CoAPthon Any feedback is more than appreciated. Best Regard Giacomo -- Giacomo Tanganelli PhD Student Dept. Information Engineering Via Diotisalvi 2, I-56122 Pisa, ITALY Phone (direct/switch/fax): +39 050 2217 472 E-mail: g.tanganelli@iet.unipi.it
- [core] CoAPthon: Python CoAP library Giacomo Tanganelli