[dane] Reusing TLSA
Paul Hoffman <paul.hoffman@vpnc.org> Mon, 24 September 2012 16:52 UTC
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I'm starting this as a new thread because Richard conflated two topics *and* missed the fact that there is already a WG document. The question becomes what the registration of an RRtype "means". If it means the bits on the wire of the *response* and their semantics, then I think the S/MIME document can use the TLSA RRtype. If an RRtype also means the bits on the wire of the request and response, we can't. Personally, I think that the RRtype is defined just by the bits in the response, so we could reuse, but others might disagree. --Paul Hoffman
- Re: [dane] Reusing TLSA Matt Miller (mamille2)
- Re: [dane] Reusing TLSA Miek Gieben
- [dane] Reusing TLSA Paul Hoffman
- Re: [dane] Reusing TLSA Richard Barnes
- Re: [dane] Reusing TLSA Olafur Gudmundsson
- Re: [dane] Reusing TLSA Tony Finch
- Re: [dane] Reusing TLSA Dan York
- Re: [dane] Reusing TLSA Paul Hoffman
- Re: [dane] Reusing TLSA Ben Laurie
- Re: [dane] Reusing TLSA Paul Hoffman
- Re: [dane] Reusing TLSA Ben Laurie
- Re: [dane] Reusing TLSA Dan York
- Re: [dane] Reusing TLSA Tony Finch