[dane] FYI - Call for DANE-related speakers for ICANN 48 DNSSEC Workshop in Buenos Aires in November
Dan York <dan-ietf@danyork.org> Wed, 18 September 2013 12:57 UTC
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From: Dan York <dan-ietf@danyork.org>
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Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 08:57:19 -0400
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Subject: [dane] FYI - Call for DANE-related speakers for ICANN 48 DNSSEC Workshop in Buenos Aires in November
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DANE list members, If any of you (or people you know) will be attending the ICANN 48 meeting in November in Buenos Aires, Argentina, there will be the usual DNSSEC Workshop on Wednesday, November 20th. We have a segment of the session where we are planning to focus on DANE and other applications of DNSSEC and we'd welcome any proposal from speakers who want to talk about DANE and new tools/services/activities using DANE. Right now I'm going to be giving a basic intro to DANE and talk about some of the new developments, but we'd definitely welcome others who would like to go into detail on anything DANE-related. More info and the full call for speakers can be found at: http://www.internetsociety.org/deploy360/?p=16578 If you have an idea and will be there at ICANN 48, just send a quick email to dnssec-buenosaires@shinkuro.com I'd love to see some more DANE topics being presented. The sessions will be streamed live and also recorded for later viewing. Thanks, Dan -- Dan York dyork@lodestar2.com http://www.danyork.me/ skype:danyork Phone: +1-802-735-1624 Twitter - http://twitter.com/danyork