[dane] Informal lunch meeting in Vancouver on Thursday
Paul Hoffman <paul.hoffman@vpnc.org> Mon, 04 November 2013 19:08 UTC
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Hi again. I have put in a room request for lunch on Thursday; I'll let the list know when I get it. If you're at the Vancouver IETF meeting and want to talk about DANE, hold the date. We'll meet at 11:45 in order to give people time to run out and get some food and bring it to the room; no food or beverage will be provided. --Paul Hoffman
- [dane] Informal lunch meeting in Vancouver on Thu… Paul Hoffman
- Re: [dane] Informal lunch meeting in Vancouver on… Matt Miller (mamille2)
- Re: [dane] Informal lunch meeting in Vancouver on… Paul M
- Re: [dane] Informal lunch meeting in Vancouver on… Peter Saint-Andre
- Re: [dane] Informal lunch meeting in Vancouver on… Warren Kumari
- Re: [dane] Informal lunch meeting in Vancouver on… Peter Saint-Andre
- Re: [dane] Informal lunch meeting in Vancouver on… Yoav Nir
- Re: [dane] Informal lunch meeting in Vancouver on… Stephen Farrell
- Re: [dane] Informal lunch meeting in Vancouver on… Dan York
- Re: [dane] Informal lunch meeting in Vancouver on… Ondřej Surý
- Re: [dane] Informal lunch meeting in Vancouver on… Sean Leonard
- [dane] Digest algorithm agility (possible discuss… Viktor Dukhovni
- Re: [dane] Informal lunch meeting in Vancouver on… Wes Hardaker
- Re: [dane] Informal lunch meeting in Vancouver on… Paul Hoffman
- Re: [dane] Informal lunch meeting in Vancouver on… Viktor Dukhovni
- Re: [dane] Informal lunch meeting in Vancouver on… Viktor Dukhovni
- Re: [dane] Informal lunch meeting in Vancouver on… Peter Saint-Andre
- Re: [dane] Informal lunch meeting in Vancouver on… Wes Hardaker
- Re: [dane] Informal lunch meeting in Vancouver on… Paul Wouters
- Re: [dane] Informal lunch meeting in Vancouver on… Olafur Gudmundsson
- Re: [dane] Digest algorithm agility (possible dis… Matt McCutchen
- Re: [dane] Informal lunch meeting in Vancouver on… Daniel Migault
- Re: [dane] Informal lunch meeting in Vancouver on… Dickson, Brian
- Re: [dane] Informal lunch meeting in Vancouver on… Anton Baskov
- Re: [dane] Digest algorithm agility (possible dis… Viktor Dukhovni
- Re: [dane] Digest algorithm agility (possible dis… Matt McCutchen
- Re: [dane] Digest algorithm agility (possible dis… Viktor Dukhovni
- Re: [dane] Digest algorithm agility (possible dis… Viktor Dukhovni