[dhcwg] Re: draft-aboba-dhc-domsearch-08.txt
Bernard Aboba <aboba@internaut.com> Wed, 09 January 2002 00:01 UTC
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Date: Tue, 08 Jan 2002 15:35:43 -0800
From: Bernard Aboba <aboba@internaut.com>
To: Thomas Narten <narten@us.ibm.com>
cc: dhcwg@ietf.org
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Subject: [dhcwg] Re: draft-aboba-dhc-domsearch-08.txt
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> Please make the document clear on this point. OK. > 2) The security recommendation for avoiding hijack seems to seems to > be equivalent to saying don't use the option if you want to be > secure: > > > To avert this attack, where DNS parameters such as the domain searchlist > > have been manually configured, these parameters SHOULD NOT be overridden > > by DHCP. > > If I am open to receiving the option, I'll take a searchlist that > sends my mail for humanresources.myorg.com to > humanresources.rogue.com. If you've already got myorg.com configured as your default domain, then this won't happen. It also won't happen if you're using DHCP authentication. > At least, point out that the authentication option is needed to prevent > this kind of attack. OK. > Might also be useful to mention 1535, since it discusses a similar > issue. Yes, and I believe it's also discussed in RFC 1536 as well. _______________________________________________ dhcwg mailing list dhcwg@ietf.org https://www1.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/dhcwg
- [dhcwg] draft-aboba-dhc-domsearch-08.txt Thomas Narten
- [dhcwg] Re: draft-aboba-dhc-domsearch-08.txt Bernard Aboba