[dhcwg] DHCwg adoption of draft-droms-dhc-dhcpv6-solmaxrt-update

Ted Lemon <Ted.Lemon@nominum.com> Thu, 13 December 2012 21:11 UTC

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Cc: Ralph Droms <rdroms@cisco.com>
Subject: [dhcwg] DHCwg adoption of draft-droms-dhc-dhcpv6-solmaxrt-update
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On Aug 7, 2012, at 5:44 PM, "Brzozowski, John" <John_Brzozowski@Cable.Comcast.com> wrote:
> The following draft was discussed during dhcwg meeting during IETF83.  The draft was recently updated after being expired for a short period.  Based on the identified need and interest in this topic I have conferred with Ted and our ADs regarding next steps.  As such I would like to initiate a call to adopt this draft as a working group work item:

I'd just like to remind the authors that this document passed the call for adoption back in August, and no working group version of the draft has been submitted.   Do the authors intend to submit a working group version?   It was my understanding that there was some degree of urgency to this.