[dhcwg] sunset4 & DHCP4o6
Francis Dupont <Francis.Dupont@fdupont.fr> Tue, 21 July 2015 11:18 UTC
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From: Francis Dupont <Francis.Dupont@fdupont.fr>
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Subject: [dhcwg] sunset4 & DHCP4o6
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Looking the slides of the "Gap analysis" at the sunset4+v6ops session of IETF 93 it seems a good idea to collect and publish an implementation summary for DHCP4o6 (i.e., the list of available and planned implementations of DHCP4o6 clients and servers). IMHO a typical job for the DHC WG. Regards Francis.Dupont@fdupont.fr PS: please post the result in the sunset4 mailing list (i.e., where users should be :-).
- [dhcwg] sunset4 & DHCP4o6 Francis Dupont
- Re: [dhcwg] sunset4 & DHCP4o6 Bernie Volz (volz)
- Re: [dhcwg] sunset4 & DHCP4o6 ian.farrer
- Re: [dhcwg] sunset4 & DHCP4o6 Tomek Mrugalski
- [dhcwg] sunset4 & DHCP4o6 Francis Dupont