[Din] 2 interesting panel discussions relevant to DIN
Lixia Zhang <lixia@cs.ucla.edu> Tue, 14 November 2023 17:41 UTC
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Subject: [Din] 2 interesting panel discussions relevant to DIN
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the Networking Channel organizes a series panel discussions. I believe people in DIN may find the following 2 panels interesting, especially the 2nd one that touches on the Internet consolidation trend (why it happened). The following pointers lead to the panel slides and recordings. Oct 4th: "Lessons learned from 40+ years of the Internet" https://networkingchannel.eu/lessons-learned-from-40-years-of-the-internet-downloads/ Nov 8th: "Lessons learned from 40+ years of the Internet: an Industry Perspective" https://networkingchannel.eu/lessons-learned-from-40-years-of-the-internet-an-industry-perspective-downloads/ If one is interested in browsing other panels, here is the pointer to Networking Channel home page: https://networkingchannel.eu/ FYI, Lixia