[Din] Constrained Node/Network Cluster @ IETF117: DRAFT AGENDA
Carsten Bormann <cabo@tzi.org> Fri, 30 June 2023 20:18 UTC
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Here is my usual eclectic condensed agenda based on the DRAFT AGENDA for IETF117. I'm sorry this took a little longer but the format in which the input was provided by the Secretariat had changed, so some assembly was required. Remember that there is still significant potential for changes. The Monday "morning" (1630Z) slot is the most security-packed I have ever seen -- not just the SEC meetings, also ANRW, DISPATCH, MASQUE. CBOR on UFMRG is unfortunate (CBOR WG does CDDL, which is an FDT), but that is maybe a limited problem. RSWG on a BOF (DULT), hmm. Apart from that, this works reasonably well. All times are in UTC; the physical meeting will be on PDT -0700. The usual 24-hour system for world time was extended to 2730 to account for sessions that are late running in world time (as opposed to showing them on a new day). Grüße, Carsten SATURDAY, July 22, 2023 1630-2730 Hackathon - Plaza A-B 1700-2500 Code Sprint - Golden Gate 1 1730-1800 Hackathon Kickoff - Plaza A-B SUNDAY, July 23, 2023 1630-2330 Hackathon - Plaza A-B 1700-2500 IETF Registration 2100-2300 Hackathon Results Presentations - Plaza A-B 2300-2400 New Participants' Quick Connections - California Room 2400-2600 Welcome Reception - Continental 5-6 2500-2700 Hot RFC Lightning Talks - Continental 4 MONDAY, July 24, 2023 1630-1830 Session I Conti 4 ART dispatch Dispatch WG - Joint with ARTAREA Conti 6 IRTF anrw ACM/IRTF Applied Networking Research Workshop - Keynote, Research Papers: IoT, Programmable Networks, Security and Privacy GoGa 7-8 SEC *** lake Lightweight Authenticated Key Exchange WG Conti 8-9 SEC scitt Supply Chain Integrity, Transparency, and Trust WG Plaza B TSV masque Multiplexed Application Substrate over QUIC Encryption WG 2000-2200 Session II GoGa 7-8 ART mimi More Instant Messaging Interoperability WG Conti 4 INT bpf BPF/eBPF WG Conti 6 IRTF anrw ACM/IRTF Applied Networking Research Workshop - Panel Discussion, Research Papers: Network Measurement Plaza A SEC *** cose CBOR Object Signing and Encryption WG 2230-2400 Session III Conti 5 ART moq Media Over QUIC WG GoGa 7-8 INT madinas MAC Address Device Identification for Network and Application Services WG Conti 6 IRTF anrw ACM/IRTF Applied Networking Research Workshop - Research Papers: DNS and BGP GoGa 6 SEC privacypass Privacy Pass WG Conti 4 SEC *** suit Software Updates for Internet of Things WG 2430-2530 Session IV Conti 5 ART *** cbor Concise Binary Object Representation Maintenance and Extensions WG Conti 4 IRTF ufmrg Usable Formal Methods Proposed Research Group Conti 8-9 SEC acme Automated Certificate Management Environment WG TUESDAY, July 25, 2023 1630-1830 Session I GoGa 6 ART *** core Constrained RESTful Environments WG Conti 4 ART satp Secure Asset Transfer Protocol WG GoGa 7-8 IRTF coinrg Computing in the Network Research Group Plaza B OPS v6ops IPv6 Operations WG Plaza A SEC keytrans Key Transparency BOF Conti 6 TSV quic QUIC WG 2000-2130 Session II Conti 8-9 INT *** 6lo IPv6 over Networks of Resource-constrained Nodes WG Conti 6 IRTF*** dinrg Decentralized Internet Infrastructure 2200-2330 Session III Plaza A INT intarea Internet Area Working Group WG Conti 6 IRTF cfrg Crypto Forum GoGa 7-8 SEC jose Javascript Object Signing and Encryption WG GoGa 6 SEC *** teep Trusted Execution Environment Provisioning WG Plaza B TSV ccwg Congestion Control Working Group WG 2400-2500 Session IV Conti 4 INT add Adaptive DNS Discovery WG Conti 6 SEC secdispatch Security Dispatch WG Conti 5 TSV tsvwg Transport Area Working Group WG WEDNESDAY, July 26, 2023 1630-1830 Session I Conti 6 ART httpbis HTTP WG Conti 4 ART mimi More Instant Messaging Interoperability WG Plaza B OPS anima Autonomic Networking Integrated Model and Approach WG GoGa 7-8 SEC oauth Web Authorization Protocol WG Conti 8-9 SEC *** rats Remote ATtestation ProcedureS WG 2000-2200 Session II Conti 4 RTG detnet Deterministic Networking WG Conti 6 SEC tls Transport Layer Security WG 2230-2400 Session III GoGa 7-8 ART moq Media Over QUIC WG Plaza A OPS *** iotops IOT Operations WG Plaza B RTG rtgarea Routing Area Open Meeting THURSDAY, July 27, 2023 1630-1830 Session I Plaza A ART httpapi Building Blocks for HTTP APIs WG GoGa 7-8 INT *** lpwan IPv6 over Low Power Wide-Area Networks WG - Joint session with SCHC Conti 8-9 RFCED rswg RFC Series Working Group Plaza B RTG cats Computing-Aware Traffic Steering WG Conti 5 SEC dult Detecting Unwanted Location Trackers BOF Conti 6 TSV tsvwg Transport Area Working Group WG 2000-2200 Session II Plaza A ART webtrans WebTransport WG Conti 5 INT 6man IPv6 Maintenance WG Conti 6 IRTF irtfopen IRTF Open Meeting Conti 8-9 OPS ivy Network Inventory YANG WG Conti 4 RTG savnet Source Address Validation in Intra-domain and Inter-domain Networks WG Plaza B RTG tvr Time-Variant Routing WG GoGa 7-8 SEC oauth Web Authorization Protocol WG 2230-2330 Session III GoGa 6 ART mediaman Media Type Maintenance WG Plaza B INT dnssd Extensions for Scalable DNS Service Discovery WG Conti 6 RTG detnet Deterministic Networking WG - Joint DETNET/RAW Plaza A RTG rift Routing In Fat Trees WG Conti 5 SEC saag Security Area Open Meeting 2400-2500 Session IV Conti 4 ART httpbis HTTP WG GoGa 7-8 ART tigress Transfer dIGital cREdentialS Securely WG Plaza B INT dnssd Extensions for Scalable DNS Service Discovery WG Conti 8-9 SEC *** ace Authentication and Authorization for Constrained Environments WG FRIDAY, July 28, 2023 1630-1830 Session I Conti 6 IRTF maprg Measurement and Analysis for Protocols Conti 5 IRTF pearg Privacy Enhancements and Assessments Research Group Conti 4 SEC gnap Grant Negotiation and Authorization Protocol WG GoGa 7-8 SEC oauth Web Authorization Protocol WG 1900-2030 Session II Plaza A INT snac Stub Network Auto Configuration for IPv6 WG Plaza B RTG bier Bit Indexed Explicit Replication WG Conti 4 SEC emu EAP Method Update WG GoGa 7-8 SEC openpgp Open Specification for Pretty Good Privacy WG
- [Din] Constrained Node/Network Cluster @ IETF117:… Carsten Bormann