[dispatch] dispatch - Requested session has been scheduled for IETF 118
"\"IETF Secretariat\"" <agenda@ietf.org> Fri, 13 October 2023 20:06 UTC
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From: "\"IETF Secretariat\"" <agenda@ietf.org>
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Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2023 13:06:30 -0700
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Subject: [dispatch] dispatch - Requested session has been scheduled for IETF 118
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Dear Shuping Peng, The session(s) that you have requested have been scheduled. Below is the scheduled session information followed by the original request. dispatch Session 1 (2:00 requested) Monday, 6 November 2023, Session I 0930-1130 Europe/Prague Room Name: Congress Hall 2 size: 350 --------------------------------------------- Special Note: Joint with ARTAREA iCalendar: https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/118/sessions/dispatch.ics Request Information: --------------------------------------------------------- Working Group Name: Dispatch Area Name: Applications and Real-Time Area Session Requester: Shuping Peng Number of Sessions: 1 Length of Session(s): Number of Attendees: 150 Conflicts to Avoid: Participants who must be present: Resources Requested: Special Requests: Please schedule in the 1st slot Monday morning, and list as coupled with ARTAREA. Please avoid conflicts with other ART area WGs and BoFs, other area meetings, other dispatch groups, and BoFs ---------------------------------------------------------
- [dispatch] dispatch - Requested session has been … "IETF Secretariat"