[dispatch] DISPATCH 115 outcomes

"Pengshuping (Peng Shuping)" <pengshuping@huawei.com> Tue, 08 November 2022 11:41 UTC

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From: "Pengshuping (Peng Shuping)" <pengshuping@huawei.com>
To: "dispatch@ietf.org" <dispatch@ietf.org>
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Thread-Topic: DISPATCH 115 outcomes
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Hello dispatchers,

Thanks to all our presenters for sharing their work with us in the dispatch session, and thanks to the attendees who helped us in finding dispatching consensus on-list, in-person or virtually. We will be contacting presenters directly to help progress the work in-line with what was agreed.

The minutes will be released shortly. A summary of the dispatch outcomes is also posted at the end of this email. Comments and corrections to the chairs (CC'd) if you have them.

We wish you a great rest of the week at IETF!

Kirsty & Shuping

* vCon: Create draft with use case, problem statement to clarify scope, and then take to a BoF. The vCon bar BoF is on Thursday 15:30-16:30 in Richmond 6.
* SASL Authentication for SIP: Do not proceed with this work in IETF.
* DKIM replay: Form a new WG without a BoF for this problem.
* WHEP: Wait for the outcome from WISH WG discussion this week.