[dispatch] WGLC draft-holmberg-dispatch-pani-abnf-01

Cullen Jennings <fluffy@iii.ca> Sat, 31 October 2015 06:07 UTC

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After discussion with various chairs, Ads etc, Ben has decided to AD sponsor the draft-holmberg-dispatch-pani-abnf draft. To help collect input for Ben, we are going to run a 2 week working group last call on this draft. Please send any comments to the dispatch list before the end of Nov 16. 

The draft is currently in https://github.com/cdh4u/draft-pani-abnf <https://github.com/cdh4u/draft-pani-abnf> and will be in the official repository on Monday which will be the start of the WGLC period. 


Mary & Cullen