[DMM] I-D Action: draft-zzhang-dmm-mup-evolution-07.txt

internet-drafts@ietf.org Tue, 06 February 2024 23:56 UTC

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Internet-Draft draft-zzhang-dmm-mup-evolution-07.txt is now available. It is a
work item of the Distributed Mobility Management (DMM) WG of the IETF.

   Title:   Mobile User Plane Evolution
   Authors: Zhaohui Zhang
            Keyur Patel
            Luis M. Contreras
            Kashif Islam
            Jari Mutikainen
            Tianji Jiang
            Luay Jalil
            Ori Prio Sejati
            Shay Zadok
   Name:    draft-zzhang-dmm-mup-evolution-07.txt
   Pages:   22
   Dates:   2024-02-06


   This document describes evolution of mobile user plane in 5G,
   including distributed User Plane Functions (UPFs) and alternative
   user plane implementations that some vendors/operators are promoting
   without changing 3GPP architecture/signaling, and further discusses
   potentially integrating UPF and Access Node (AN) in 6G mobile

   This document is not an attempt to do 3GPP work in IETF.  Rather, it
   discusses potential integration of IETF/wireline and 3GPP/wireless
   technologies - first among parties who are familiar with both areas
   and friendly with IETF/wireline technologies.  If the ideas in this
   document are deemed reasonable, feasible and desired among these
   parties, they can then be brought to 3GPP for further discussions.

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