[DMM] Draft IETF94 DMM WG agenda
Jouni Korhonen <jouni.nospam@gmail.com> Thu, 22 October 2015 16:46 UTC
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A bit late but here we go. Small adjustments are still possible but not too likely. - Jouni & Dapeng Tuesday November 3, 2015 (JST) 9:00-11:30 Tuesday Morning session I Room: 411/412 9:00 Administrivia & Intro, WG organization & milestones 15 Presenter: Chairs ** DMM track 9:15 AERO, DHCPv6 PD, multi-addressing 15 Presenter: Fred Templin 9:30 Use Cases and API Extension for Source IP 15 Address Selection Presenter: Seil Jeon Draft: draft-sijeon-dmm-use-cases-api-source 9:45 WT#1 Exposing mobility state update 15 Presenter: Danny Moses 10:00 Prefix CostCommunicating Prefix Cost to Mobile Nodes 15 Presenter: John Kaippallimalil Draft: draft-mccann-dmm-prefixcost 10:15 Protocol for Forwarding Policy Configuration 20 Presenter: Marco Liebsch Draft: draft-ietf-dmm-fpc-cpdp 10:35 Title: Distributed mobility management deployment 15 scenario and architecture Presenter: Zhiheng Liu Draft: draft-liu-dmm-deployment-scenario ** MIP maintenance track 10:50 LMA Controlled MAG Session Parameters 10 Presenter: Sri Gundavelli Draft: draft-gundavelli-dmm-lma-controlled-mag-params 11:00 MN Identifier Types for RFC 4283 Mobile Node 10 Identifier Option Presenter: Charlie Perkins Draft: draft-ietf-dmm-4283mnids 11:10 Adoption calls for MIP maintenance drafts 10 Presenter: Chairs Drafts: draft-yan-dmm-hnprenum-03 draft-seite-dmm-rg-multihoming-02 11:20 AOB 10 Adjourn 11:30 ** Overflow queue (if we got time left) Deprecated Network Prefix Provision 5 Presenter: Jong-Hyouk Lee Draft: draft-jhlee-dmm-dnpp Motivations, usecases and Models of VCPE 5 Presenter: Qiao Fu Draft: draft-fu-dmm-vcpe-models
- [DMM] Draft IETF94 DMM WG agenda Jouni Korhonen
- Re: [DMM] Draft IETF94 DMM WG agenda jouni korhonen