[DNSOP] nameserver control protocol

Jelte Jansen <jelte@isc.org> Wed, 11 November 2009 06:21 UTC

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i had asked for a small AOB slot at the dnsop meeting, but only just before, so
either it was forgotten or simply skipped because we were already late, so i'll
just misuse the mailing list instead. My apologies :)

A while back, a requirements document for a nameserver control protocol was
written. I've been told this document is as good as done. There was also a draft
document on an actual protocol, which by now has expired.

I'm interested in restarting work on this. Since this is actually a protocol, it
doesn't suit the charter of the dnsop wg. However, the people in the dnsop group
are the ones who might be interested in this, so i want to know if there is
interest and/or energy to get that work done outside of dnsop. Perhaps we can
even create a new working group for that (one that defines some work, gets it
done (or declares failure), and disbands like they're supposed to ;) ).

I think there might be some interest in this, but i don't know. So if you are
interested, or have some ideas or thoughts about this ('this' being getting the
work done, not contents of the drafts), please let me know (tackle me in the
hallway or drop me a line off-list).


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