[DNSOP] Just for fun .. ChatGPT on DNSSEC

Shumon Huque <shuque@gmail.com> Thu, 27 July 2023 17:20 UTC

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(I know I need to respond to some of the earlier DNSOP threads on compact
DoE etc, but I'm already tired from IETF week, so am giving my brain a
short break ..)

I was wondering if George Michaelson's musings on re-using 15-bits of
QDCOUNT were also just for fun :)  But here's a post that is undeniably so

My colleague at Salesforce, Ian Varley, recently shared this interaction
with ChatGPT, and I wasn't sure who else but DNSOP could be amused by this,
so here it is ...

Prompt: Explain the basics of implementing DNSSEC in Shakespearean verse


To secure thy realm in this vast internet's space,
Thou must gird thy DNS with a stronger base.
Herein, I declare, a noble task awaits,
To implement DNSSEC and seal thy gates.

First, to generate keys for thy domain so fair,
Public and private, a cryptographic pair.
These keys are thy guards, steadfast and stout,
To sign thy DNS records, within and out.

Thy public key, in a record called DNSKEY,
Unveiled to the world. for all to see.
Its partner private, in secret must stay,
To sign thy records in a trustworthy way.

Now. to let the world know. thou are true and sincere
The DS record thou must place in the parent's sphere
In thy parent zone, this record gives voice,
To thy DNSSEC use, and affirms thy choice.

So secure thy domain, let no villain deface,
With DNSSEC strong, and with grace.
In this digital age, be not a wretch,
Secure thy DNS, let none breach thy stretch!