[DNSOP] Root Zone KSK Rollover Operations Workshop (save the date)
Joe Abley <jabley@hopcount.ca> Tue, 16 September 2014 15:10 UTC
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Subject: [DNSOP] Root Zone KSK Rollover Operations Workshop (save the date)
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Hi all, ICANN will facilitate an open, technical workshop to discuss operational plans for a future root zone KSK rollover, during the upcoming ICANN 51 meeting to be held in Los Angeles in October 2014. The workshop is intended for participants who have a technical, operational perspective and is an opportunity to explore potential options, operational considerations, and other aspects of rolling the root zone KSK. The workshop will be held on Thursday October 16, 2014 at the ICANN meeting venue in Los Angeles. This will be an open event, and remote participation will be available. More details including a tentative agenda, will be made available soon. If you are able to participate, please join the ksk-rollover mailing list at <https://mm.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/ksk-rollover> which will be used to coordinate this workshop, and to function as a venue for technical discussion as this work proceeds in the future. Regards, Joe & Roy & Jakob & Duane & Dan ad-hoc workshop coordinators