[Ecrit] Block name terseness in additional-data draft
Randall Gellens <randy@qti.qualcomm.com> Sun, 03 November 2013 17:26 UTC
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Cc: Brian Rosen <Brian.Rosen@neustar.biz>, "Hannes (NSN - FI/Espoo) Tschofenig" <hannes.tschofenig@nsn.com>
Subject: [Ecrit] Block name terseness in additional-data draft
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I noticed that we are not consistent in the degree of terseness of the block names. We have: o ProviderInfo o SvcInfo o DevInfo o SubInfo I wonder if people feel we should have a consistent terseness level, and if so, consistently more or less so. E.g., perhaps we should go with less terse and have: o ProviderInfo o ServiceInfo o DeviceInfo o SubscriberInfo Or, perhaps we should go with more terse and have: o PrvdrInfo o SvcInfo o DevInfo o SubInfo Personally, I'm inclined towards spending the extra few octets and going with the less terse names, as I suspect this may be easier for people to remember, and perhaps less likely to have spelling errors in implementations. But I'd really like to know what others in the group think. -- Randall Gellens Opinions are personal; facts are suspect; I speak for myself only -------------- Randomly selected tag: --------------- I always avoid prophesying beforehand, because it is a much better policy to prophesy after the event has already taken place. --Winston Churchill
- [Ecrit] Block name terseness in additional-data d… Randall Gellens
- Re: [Ecrit] Block name terseness in additional-da… Gunnar Hellstrom
- Re: [Ecrit] Block name terseness in additional-da… Roger Marshall
- Re: [Ecrit] Block name terseness in additional-da… James Winterbottom