Re: [Ecrit] AD evaluation: draft-ietf-ecrit-car-crash-19

Alissa Cooper <> Fri, 16 December 2016 14:14 UTC

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From: Alissa Cooper <>
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Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2016 09:14:04 -0500
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To: Randall Gellens <>
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Subject: Re: [Ecrit] AD evaluation: draft-ietf-ecrit-car-crash-19
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Thanks Randy. I think this is ready for last call now. I have a couple of comments below that can be resolved together with last call comments.

> On Dec 15, 2016, at 7:17 PM, Randall Gellens <> wrote:
>> = Section 10.1 =
>> I don't understand why support for messages would be assumed to be 
>> cumulative in the order in which messages end up being registered 
>> in the registry. Why isn't the case where a vehicle supports 
>> messages 1, 3, and 5 but not 2 and 4 a possible case?
> The expectation is that there will be few static messages; there 
> isn't a basis for IVS implementations to pick which ones to support, 
> especially since it is text that is displayed on a screen, so the 
> complexity of only supporting some messages outweighs the cost of 
> supporting a set up to a known value.

It would be helpful to include a sentence similar to the above in the document.

>> = Section 10.2 =
>> (2) It seems to me that the static message with msgid=1 and the 
>> dynamic message provided here are contradictory. One says that help 
>> is not on the way and the other says that it is. Why would a PSAP 
>> send both of these messages?
> Static message 1 only says that the PSAP can't accept the voice call 
> (nothing about sending help or not), so I don't see it as 
> contradictory.  

I guess when I read “We will help you as soon as possible” that sounds to me like it could be a long time from now, which is different from “Help is on the way.” But I see how others might interpret the first one differently.
