[EME] SIP signalling and 3GPP
Gaguk Zakaria <gzakaria@hns.com> Mon, 16 July 2007 18:03 UTC
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Hi I have question regarding SIP signalling and its application at 3gpp IMS 1. In almost all examples in the 3GPP doc regarding SIP signalling, when a UA sends an INVITE message, the called party usually replies it with a provisional response 183 Session Progress. My question is that if the INVITE message consists of only ONE media type, meaning there is no need of media negotiation, does the called party still need to reply it with 183 Session Progress. Can the called party just reply with 200 OK or nor acceptable? 2. Does the P-CSCF require the arrival of 183 Session Progress message, as the provisional response of the INVITE, to authorize reource (authorize QoS). Can P-CSCF authorize resource (QoS) based on the INVITE message if the INVITE message consists of only one media type. Gaguk
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- [EME] SIP signalling and 3GPP Gaguk Zakaria
- RE: [EME] SIP signalling and 3GPP Paul Francis