[Emo-dir] New Participant activities from IETF 116
Michelle Cotton <mcotton@amsl.com> Thu, 25 May 2023 15:41 UTC
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EODIR: Apologies for those who receive this message twice. Sending while the migration from emo-dir to eodir is underway. Here is a brief update on activities related to New Participants from IETF 116. We’ll have an update looking forward at the next virtual interim meeting. Thank you, Michelle *********************** Michelle Cotton mcotton@amsl.com IETF 116 Yokohama Total Onsite New Participants: 426 New Participant Overview Tutorial: 71 Quick Connections: 63 New Participants with 21 Mentors Guides: Approximately 10 pairs New Participant Dinner: 40 New Participant Social Hour: Approximately 60 people Summary of activities: The New Participant Dinner, Quick Connections and the Social hour continue to be the most popular events for New Participants. During the New Participant Overview tutorial, we practiced how to scan the QR code for meeting attendance and we could see a jump in the Meetecho number which is the outcome we were looking for. We continue to look for ideas to make participation better for remote attendees and also what can be done between meetings for encouraging new participation.
- [Emo-dir] New Participant activities from IETF 116 Michelle Cotton