Re: [ftpext] New Version of FTP HASH, RANG, LOCK, and HOST

"Alun Jones" <> Sun, 27 January 2013 23:47 UTC

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After reading the LOCK draft, I have a couple of comments:

0. RFC 959 already defines a mechanism - Block Mode over the default port -
which doesn't require PORT or PASV to operate, and doesn't close connections
between files. This means that under such a scheme, a firewall's life is
made easier - you open 21 inbound, and allow outbound connections from port
20 on the server. Document this in your draft, and people may start using
that, just because it already works on many servers.

1. You need an example showing how an upload works, just to make that clear.
"When uploading files, the client MUST use end-of-marker solution." You
don't explain this anywhere, or use the term "end-of-marker" anywhere else
in the draft.

2. You need to answer at least the security questions of how a client is
protected from a malicious server, and how a server is protected from a
malicious client, as well as how the connection (client and server) is
protected against a malicious file. Consider what happens if a file contains
a number of predicted boundary values, and the server or client is not good
at picking random numbers for those boundaries. Note, for instance, how SMTP
does this in the DATA command - the DATA ends with a line containing only
".". Any line beginning with a "." in the data has to be prefixed by another
".". The receiver then simply strips out the first dot on each line. Don't
give in to the idea that "random numbers can't be guessed", or that
accidental occurrences or malicious action won't ever successfully reproduce
the boundary condition. Make it IMPOSSIBLE.

3. At least three commands are documented to work while a transfer is in
progress. STAT, which reports the status of the transfer, NOOP, which does
nothing (but many clients use to keep the control connection open when a
firewall might close it over a long data transfer), and ABOR, which stops an
existing transfer. My suggestion would be that STAT will return a response
after the data transfer has finished (after the response from the transfer
completion); NOOP the same; ABOR will interrupt the transfer, the transfer's
end response will be signaled as interrupted, and the ABOR command will send
a 426 and 226.

4. Answering your question of "how to unlock" - the obvious way is to use a
PORT or PASV (or similar) command to re-establish such behavior, or REIN if
you want to go back to default port operation (and blow away your login,
other settings, etc).

5. You should indicate in your examples whether the boundary and separator
lines are sent by client or server, just to avoid confusion.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On Behalf
> Of Anthony Bryan
> Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2013 9:01 AM
> To:
> Subject: [ftpext] New Version of FTP HASH, RANG, LOCK, and HOST
> we updated the FTP HASH, RANG, and LOCK drafts, while the authors of
> HOST have updated their (hopefully final, get any comments or reviews in
> ASAP) draft.
> we are mostly interested in finishing up HASH & RANG, but also feel free
> comment on LOCK. fancy diffs are available. HASH, RANG, & LOCK changes
> are all editorial or just updating the draft.
> HASH FTP command to be used by clients to request cryptographic hashes of
> files.
> RANG command to be used by clients to designate a start and end point to
> permit restarts and repairs of interrupted data transfers in STREAM mode.
> LOCK command to be used by clients to request the server to use the
> connection for data transfers, using a single port instead of two.
> also, HOST has been updated:
> FTP command that provides a mechanism for FTP clients and servers to
> identify individual virtual hosts on an FTP server.
> (diffs)
> --
> (( Anthony Bryan ... Metalink [ ]
>   )) Easier, More Reliable, Self Healing Downloads
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