[gaia] Seeking Postdoc for UCT Centre in ICT4D
Melissa Densmore <melissa.r.densmore@gmail.com> Wed, 19 July 2017 19:54 UTC
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Subject: [gaia] Seeking Postdoc for UCT Centre in ICT4D
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*Postdoctoral Fellowship in ICT4D* (please circulate, pdf version attached) The University of Cape Town <http://www.uct.ac.za> Centre in Information and Communications Technologies for Development (ICT4D) <http://ict4d.cs.uct.ac.za> invites applications from suitably qualified doctoral graduates for a postdoctoral research fellowship. *The successful candidate will participate in any of the following research areas:* - Examining the methods, values, ethics and tools used in ICT4D research and practice - Engaging with the concept of “4D”, its meaning on the continent and the ways it is enacted in ICT4D research and policy - Designing, implementing and testing innovations that address challenges in low-income urban and rural contexts or with otherwise neglected populations *Applicants must* - have obtained a doctoral degree in any relevant field within the past 5 years; - have held no previous professional or academic posts; - be willing to take up the fellowship in 2017; - be based in Cape Town, South Africa; - demonstrate congruence between his/her research interests and the research areas outlined above; - have an established or emerging publication record; - be able to work in an interdisciplinary team environment; - have good organizational and management skills; - have good written and oral communication skills; - be prepared to undertake limited teaching/supervision duties as part of his/her professional development; - be prepared to register at the University of Cape Town as a postdoctoral research fellow and to comply with the policies and practices of the Postdoctoral Research Sector of the University. *Value and tenure of the fellowship:* The University Research Committee (URC) funds the postdoctoral fellowship to the value of R205,000 for a full academic year. Relocation costs of up to R15 000 will be paid by the Centre in ICT4D. The URC will make an additional R15 000 available annually for conference attendance and/or travel costs, awarded on motivation. Fellowships are awarded for one year and are renewable for another year on approval of a progress report. The University will assist in providing relevant information, but the onus will be on the candidate to secure their own accommodation. *Conditions of Award:* The successful candidate will be required to: - register as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at UCT by no later than *1 November 2017*; - enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with her/his Principal Investigator and adhere to the plans and agreements therein; - submit at least one peer-reviewed publication within the period of the award, although final publication may occur later. - comply with the University’s approved policies, procedures and practices for the postdoctoral sector *Application Procedure:* Apply by email to director@ict4d.cs.uct.ac.za, providing the following documentation: - a cover letter describing the applicant’s research interests and how they align with the objectives of the Centre in ICT4D; - a CV that includes full details of publications; - copies of all academic transcripts and certificates for previous degrees and the doctoral degree; - the names of two academic referees with whom the applicant has worked - review of applications will be rolling, and must be submitted by 30 September 2017 *Selection* Only eligible and complete applications will be considered by a sub-committee convened by the Director of ICT4D. O*nly short-listed candidates will be contacted.* *Note: The University of Cape Town reserves the right to disqualify ineligible, incomplete or inappropriate applications. The University of Cape Town reserves the right to change the conditions of award or to make no awards at all.* ICT4D website: http://ict4d.cs.uct.ac.za/ UCT’s website: *www.uct.ac.za <http://www.uct.ac.za/>* [image: logo-UCTICT4D-small.png]
- [gaia] Seeking Postdoc for UCT Centre in ICT4D Melissa Densmore
- Re: [gaia] Seeking Postdoc for UCT Centre in ICT4D Jane Coffin
- Re: [gaia] Seeking Postdoc for UCT Centre in ICT4D Jane Coffin