[gaia] Fwd: ISIF grants and award close 30 August
Arjuna Sathiaseelan <arjuna.sathiaseelan@cl.cam.ac.uk> Tue, 11 July 2017 12:50 UTC
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From: Arjuna Sathiaseelan <arjuna.sathiaseelan@cl.cam.ac.uk>
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would be of interest. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Sylvia Cadena <sylvia@apnic.net> Date: 11 July 2017 at 00:24 Subject: ISIF grants and award close 30 August To: Kurtis Heimerl <kheimerl@cs.washington.edu>, Arjuna Sathiaseelan < arjuna.sathiaseelan@cl.cam.ac.uk>, Kashif Ali <kashi@fb.com>, David Johnson <djohnson@csir.co.za>, Leandro Navarro <leandro@ac.upc.edu>, Marco Zennaro < marcozennaro@gmail.com>, Mustafa Naseem <mustafanaseem@gmail.com>, Amreesh Phokeer <amreesh.phokeer@gmail.com>, Senka Hadzic <senka.hadzic@gmail.com>, Alison Gillwald <agillwald@researchictafrica.net>, Chenai Chair < cchair@researchictafrica.net>, Melissa Densmore < melissa.r.densmore@gmail.com>, Aaditeshwar Seth <aaditeshwar@gmail.com>, Nic Bidwell <nic.bidwell@gmail.com>, Shaddi Hasan <shasan@fb.com>, Bill Tucker <btucker@uwc.ac.za>, Carlos Rey-Moreno <carlos.reymoreno@gmail.com>, Naveed Haq <haq@isoc.org> Hi again, Just in case you have not seen this and you are interested to apply (community wireless is very much welcome on all categories) and/or to share this among your network of contacts in the Asia Pacific. If you have any specific organizations/groups that you would like me to contact to encourage them to apply of follow-up regarding ideas/eligibility please let me know. Many of the groups that Carlos mentioned on his previous message have received grants from us in the past (intERlab for their Dumbo mesh network and the educational server – Kanchana; AirJaldi, for their software development – Michael; NepalWireless for their TVWS hybrid network – Mahabir; and others). Warm regards, Sylvia ———— ** ISIF Asia call for grants proposals and award nominations is open until 30 August (midnight UTC) www.isif.asia - Get started and submit your application! ** Sylvia Cadena | sylvia@apnic.net | APNIC Foundation - Head of Programs | +10 GMT Brisbane, Australia | http://www.apnic.foundation *From: *APNIC-No-Reply <apnic-no-reply@apnic.net> *Date: *Wednesday, 21 June 2017 at 3:06 pm *To: *"sylvia@apnic.net" <sylvia@apnic.net> *Subject: *Apply now for an ISIF Asia Grant and Award for 2017 Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser <http://info.apnic.net/webmail/229772/28476997/7e113643d641cad69288d2208e3af4ef8c2b2d9d84e8db56e95227e933ab071e> . *[image: ttp://info.apnic.net/l/229772/2017-06-08/ggmx/229772/16651/ISIF_pardot_banner_01.jpg]* ISIF Asia 2017 Grants and Award applications now open Applications for the 2017 ISIF Asia Grants and Award are now open. Through an open and competitive process, AUD 145,000 is available across three grant categories, and AUD 10,000 for one award, for projects that support the development of the Internet and highlight its social and economic impact in the Asia Pacific. Applications are open from today until 30 August 2017. 2017 Grants *I* <http://info.apnic.net/e/229772/et-operations-research-grants-/h216/28476997>*nternet Operations Research Grants * <http://info.apnic.net/e/229772/et-operations-research-grants-/h218/28476997> These grants support the development of an independent Internet research community whose work can improve the availability, reliability, and security of the Internet in the Asia Pacific region, and widen its coverage, applications and benefit to the community. Applicants can apply for an amount between AUD 5,000 and AUD 45,000 based on their research needs, a realistic timeframe and a detailed budget. For 2017, the total amount available to support research is AUD 85,000. The grants are open to *research focused on Internet operations, infrastructure and related protocols, such as network measurement and analysis; IPv6; BGP routing; network security as well as peering and interconnection*. Apply now <http://info.apnic.net/e/229772/-projects-apply-grant-research/h1zg/28476997> Cybersecurity Grants <http://info.apnic.net/e/229772/cybersecurity-grants-/h21b/28476997> These grants support projects focusing on practical solutions around network resiliency and security. Applicants can apply for up to AUD 30,000 based on a project proposal that includes a realistic timeframe and a detailed budget. For 2017, the total grant availability in the cybersecurity category will be AUD 30,000. The grants are open to all relevant topics of interest around network resiliency and security, focused on one or more of the following areas: *naming, routing, measurement, traffic management, confidential communications, data security and integrity, security of IoT devices and applications, security of critical infrastructure such as energy grids, end-user device security and building security resilience in your local community.* Apply now <http://info.apnic.net/e/229772/ects-apply-grant-cybersecurity/h1zl/28476997> I <http://info.apnic.net/e/229772/community-impact-grants-/h21d/28476997>nternet for Development Grant <http://info.apnic.net/e/229772/nternet-for-development-grant-/h21g/28476997> This grant supports the scaling-up of an innovative Internet-based solution to development issues. Innovation and a development focus must be an integral part of the project proposal. One grant of AUD 30,000 will be allocated. Applications areas such as *women and girls in IT, diversity and inclusion, access provision, utility services, devices, IoT, IPv6, privacy, democracy enhancement, open data, economic empowerment, poverty alleviation, health and education* will be considered by the Selection Committee. Apply now <http://info.apnic.net/e/229772/-projects-apply-grant-internet/h1zq/28476997> 2017 Internet for Development Award <http://info.apnic.net/e/229772/about-awards-/h1zs/28476997> The 2017 award winner will receive an AUD 5,000 cash prize plus a travel grant to attend the Internet Governance Forum 2017, in Geneva, Switzerland. The 2017 theme of 'Internet for development' is intended to cast a wide net to capture truly innovative approaches to development issues. Applications areas such as *women and girls in IT, diversity and inclusion, access provision, utility services, devices, IoT, IPv6, privacy, democracy enhancement, open data, economic empowerment, poverty alleviation, health and education* will be considered by the Selection Committee. Apply now <http://info.apnic.net/e/229772/projects-projects-add/h1zv/28476997> More information For more information about key dates and how to apply, please visit the ISIF Asia website. <http://info.apnic.net/e/229772/2017-06-21/h1zx/28476997> Before you submit your application, please read the ISIF Asia Frequently Asked Questions <http://info.apnic.net/e/229772/faq-/h21j/28476997>, <http://info.apnic.net/e/229772/faq/h21l/28476997> Guidelines and Tips for Applicants <http://info.apnic.net/e/229772/or-applicants-guidelines-tips-/h21n/28476997> and Selection Criteria <http://info.apnic.net/e/229772/selection-criteria/h21q/28476997>. You have received this email because you are an ISIF Asia contact. Update your contact details here <http://info.apnic.net/e/229772/l-229772-2017-06-09-ggq8/h214/28476997>. Unsubscribe <http://info.apnic.net/emailPreference/e/229772/291/7e113643d641cad69288d2208e3af4ef8c2b2d9d84e8db56e95227e933ab071e/28476997> from subsequent ISIF Asia emails. Contact info@isif.asia for help. [image: ttp://info.apnic.net/r/229772/1/28476997/open/1] [image: ttps://6h9ifdf3.emltrk.com/6h9ifdf3] -- Arjuna Sathiaseelan Personal: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~as2330/ N4D Lab: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~as2330/n4d
- [gaia] Fwd: ISIF grants and award close 30 August Arjuna Sathiaseelan