[gaia] Online Research Survey: please express your concerns about Internet use
Leandro Navarro <leandro@ac.upc.edu> Tue, 04 July 2017 13:42 UTC
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Date: Tue, 04 Jul 2017 16:42:01 +0300
Cc: Maria Michalis <M.Michalis@westminster.ac.uk>, Dimitris Boucas <D.Boucas@westminster.ac.uk>
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Hi, this is a survey that Maria and Dimitris are running as part of the netCommons project. Your participation will help us a lot. Thanks in advance, Leandro. === Dear Madam/Sir We are a team of researchers based at the University of Westminster in London and working for the netCommons Project (EU Horizon 2020 project netCommons: Network Infrastructure as Commons, http://netcommons.eu <http://netcommons.eu/>). As part of the project, we are conducting an online survey to examine users’ concerns about Internet use and at the same time explore the potential of alternative Internet provision. Such concerns will provide useful input to policy makers and regulators who hold significant responsibilities over the telecommunications and Internet landscape, and consequently need to take informed steps towards the evolution of this landscape. We are looking in particular for respondents (Internet users) who are academic/research staff, students, IT product/services professionals or administrative/clerical staff at Universities or research institutes. We would be grateful if you could take some time (about 20 minutes) to complete the survey. The survey link is: https://d52netcommons.limequery.com/357528?lang=en <https://d52netcommons.limequery.com/357528?lang=en> [if the link doesn’t work, please copy and paste it in the address box of your browser] The survey will be available online until 30 July 2017. Many thanks for your collaboration. Kind regards, Prof. Christian Fuchs Dr. Maria Michalis, Reader Dr. Dimitris Boucas, Research Fellow University of Westminster, UK The University of Westminster is a charity and a company limited by guarantee. Registration number: 977818 England. Registered Office: 309 Regent Street, London W1B 2UW. This message and its attachments are private and confidential. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender and remove it and its attachments from your system.
- [gaia] Online Research Survey: please express you… Leandro Navarro