Re: [Gen-art] Gen-ART LC review of draft-claise-export-application-info-in-ipfix-05
Benoit Claise <> Tue, 22 May 2012 23:44 UTC
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Hi Roni, Thanks for your review. See in-line. > > I am the assigned Gen-ART reviewer for this draft. For background on > Gen-ART, please see the FAQ at > <>. > > Please resolve these comments along with any other Last Call comments > you may receive. > > Document: draft-claise-export-application-info-in-ipfix-05 > > Reviewer: Roni Even > > Review Date:2012--4--7 > > IETF LC End Date: 2012--4--17 > > IESG Telechat date: > > Summary: This draft is almost ready for publication as an > Informational RFC. > > Major issues: > > Minor issues: > > 1.In sections 2, 4.1 (PANA-L7), 5, 6.5 the draft points to information > in Cisco web page. I could not locate and information that is > referenced. The link is to the main Cisco web page. For example in > section 6.5 it lists the selectorID as 10000, where is this value located? > The exact URsL are and As you can see from the URLs, there is a chance that those might change. Stephen Farrell had the same comment. > > 2.For the definition of Classification engine IDs in section 4.1 for > the non standard values like PANA-L3, PANA-L4, PANA-L7, PANA-L2, is > there a requirement that the selector IDs will be publically available? > Yes. Also, they would be exported with an IPFIX Options Template Record. An example of PANA-L3 was the IPFIX port, 4739, which was pre-reserved by IANA, 3 years before RFC5101 was published. > 3.In section 4.2 "However, an IANA L3 protocol encoding may encoded > with 3 bytes." When is it encoded in 3 bytes, also figure 2 is not > reflecting this example, I expected to see a 32 bit value according to > the text and not a general figure. (small nit in the above sentence > "may be" instead of "may". > Will be corrected. > > 4.In section 7 I noticed that "p2pTechnology, tunnelTechnology, and > encryptedTechnology" are already assigned in the IANA IPFIX > Information elements so why assign them again as new? > from RFC5102: The value of these identifiers is in the range of 1-32767. Within this range, Information Element identifier values in the sub-range of 1-127 are compatible with field types used by NetFlow version 9 [RFC3954 <>]. So basically, if Cisco has assigned those numbers already, they can reused in IANA. > > 5.In section 7 I noticed that you request that the > applicationDescription, applicationId, applicationName, > classificationEngineId will receive elementid values from the range > 0-127. My reading from section 4.2 is this is not required, maybe add > text that will explain this request. > See my previous remark. > > 6.In the security section arethere additional considerations when the > applicationid information is coming from a proprietary classification > engine about authentication of the information source? > Not as far as I know. Maybe I'm missing something. Can you please elaborate. > > Nits/editorial comments: > > 1.In section 4.1 last sentence what is the meaning of "by theses > specifications" , I did not understand the context. > > 2.In section 6.6 "to determine whether or the default HTTP port" > delete the "or" > > 3.In section 6.6 "The Classification Engine ID is 2" should be "3". > will be corrected. Thanks again. Regards, Benoit. >
- [Gen-art] Gen-ART LC review of draft-claise-expor… Roni Even
- Re: [Gen-art] Gen-ART LC review of draft-claise-e… Benoit Claise
- Re: [Gen-art] Gen-ART LC review of draft-claise-e… Roni Even
- Re: [Gen-art] Gen-ART LC review of draft-claise-e… Benoit Claise
- Re: [Gen-art] Gen-ART LC review of draft-claise-e… Roni Even
- Re: [Gen-art] Gen-ART LC review of draft-claise-e… Russ Housley